Free Running Zombies?

Its an interesting idea however half the time the infected people seemed to be walking like zombies shambling and limping along, whiles some would be running in a simialr and then they would perfom some odd leap to bounce off a wall or jump through a small space. It didn't seem fully thought through.


Thought the same thing: it needed either more or less parkour. More would have made it seem more thought out and less gimmicky. Less would have been about none and also felt less like a gimmick.

There were a few OK moves, and the gore was well done, but after seeing B13, the free running in this just seemed 'meh'.

PS: If they're afraid of water because it hurts them (presumably), wouldn't the snow around ALL around them be real bad? Maybe I missed something...

"Did you mean for all those words to come out like that or did they just fall out randomly?"-H.H.


The fear of pools of water was strange, it would have been scarier if they all jumped in to pursue their lunch. Alas either budgets constraints or health & safety probably stopped it.


Those that ran fast etc probably were bitten in the neck, arms, torso maybe, while others that were limping had a chunk bitten out of their feet. Seemed realistic enough, if you think some were only bitten, while others were half-eaten.


The whole parcours thing was sort of lame.

To see dozens of people get infected and suddenly become parcours adepts, bouncing off walls, and particularly doing those little "fold yourself in half to jump/slip through a limited space" tricks... it just rang false.

I wanted to enjoy the film, and parts of it did bring me a certain satisfaction. But I was dragged kicking and screaming out of the film every time there was a clichéd parcours-style jump off a pillar, or other such silly stunt.

I guess +points to the writers/directors for trying to do something different.

And -points for making that "something different" parcours.


I had assumed for most of the movie that the "parkour" zombies were part of the initial 30,000 subjects who got the performance enhancing drugs directly injected and the rest of the fast moving (but not particularly) agile where folks who had been bitten/infected along the way.

I think that would have worked, but unfortunately it's not going to work as a general explanation as even some of the guards in the NGEN facility became parkour zombies, although perhaps some of them could have also been subjects.

The explanation that parkour zombies where folks who got infected from minor bites, and the people with 'serious' bites sort of limped/walked/ran along is vaguely reasonable.



I had assumed for most of the movie that the "parkour" zombies were part of the initial 30,000 subjects who got the performance enhancing drugs directly injected and the rest of the fast moving (but not particularly) agile where folks who had been bitten/infected along the way.
The explanation that parkour zombies where folks who got infected from minor bites, and the people with 'serious' bites sort of limped/walked/ran along is vaguely reasonable.

I'm trying to not think too hard about this subject, because I enjoyed the movie, but if I had to go literal on it, I suppose it would be something like this. :)


Perhaps the test subjects were all parkour runners.


The way I see it, when you're a zombie you have less to zero fear. Our bodies are capable of doing tremendous things if we get rid of the fear.


I'm just stopped watching it after seeing stupid parkour zombies and no, those were security guards.
