MovieChat Forums > The Pillars of the Earth (2010) Discussion > Greatest mini series and overall the gre...

Greatest mini series and overall the greatest series of all time?

This one gets a 10/10 of me because of the excitement in every episode that made me never let my eyes off the screen while watching them, what do you think?


Well, yeah, I do agree. It is one of the best I've seen.
I was surprised to realize it was directed by a Croatian director.


The Pillars of Earth is very good but to me doesn't even come close to The Tudors. The latest was my personal best of all time, simply beautiful.


That's a hell of an accolade. I'm afraid I can't possibly agree. I mean it's good and I won't be deleting it off me VBox for a while but it's not the best series ever (IMO) and neither is The Tudors, which could do with a bit less shagging and a bit more historically accurate political intrigue plotting for my money.

If we're talking way-back-when historical period dramas then Rome has to come above both of these for me. Elizabeth R with Glenda Jackson was a Tudor highpoint for me and if we get any closer to the present day there are a few others I'd have to put before TPOTE and/or The Tudors.


havent watched pillars of the earth yet,

but the best historical drama is The Borgias, by far. Even having almost only hateful characters , you enjoy a lot the tv show, realy good....
and Rome would definatly beat the tudors


Greatest mini-series of all time? Well that's always going to be a matter of opinion but I can think of four off hand that could compete: Elizabeth R; I Claudius; Roots; Lonesome Dove.


I think it's a really good show, even thougth its not avaible in my country, I watched it online, it took me around three days. And I did enjoy every episode, I think it could have been better, but it was really good. I would have like it to be a full tv serie with more than 8 episodes, because many things were too fast.


"Pillars" is a really great mini-series and a testament to what collaborative effort can achieve. But as for best mini-series of all time, my personal pick would be BBC's "House of Cards", dominated by the inimitable Ian Richardson.


Well....You might think that but I couldn't possibly comment.

Sorry, had to be done ;)


While I enjoyed it,
Cadfeal (same period) and I Claudius are much much better


I have read the best about "Cadfael" but I haven't yet watched it and "I, Claudius" is phenomenal and one of my favourite, but I think that "House of Cards", due to it being more convincing as a production and more gripping and atmospheric is more rounded as a viewing experience.


My favorite: BBC production of North and South. Hands down.


easily best series ever is the "Trailer Park Boys"!!!!!!!!


The best mini-series of all time are Lonesome Dove and Band of Brothers. This is good, I loved the book, and I can't wait for The World Without End but its not nearly the best mini-series ever.


I, on the other hand, can barely keep my attention on it. Just a sequence of events for me so far.

Haven't you seen Band Of Brothers? 9.6 on imdb, tied for my favorite movie

Top 1000 voter - vote history (OVER 9000 titles)


It was a great mini-series. Well above average.

But the greatest of all time?

Perhaps you haven't seen many mini-series... or TV series for that matter.

The Tudors was better ... and that is by no means the greatest either.

HBO, Channel 4, BBC, Showtime/The Movie Channel, and even regular old broadcast TV have DEEP filmographies with AMAZING, MINDBLOWING material.

This was very good. I have already recommended it to more than one friend, but the best? No.


i loved it, but it's not the best I've seen. It's not even the best miniseries I have seen lately.
I just fi ished HBO's John Adams. That might be the best miniseries I haved ever watched.


I must agree with deelee74, John adams was outstanding. I also really loved Shogun.

"The answer to the question of life, the universe and everything is: forty-two!"
-Douglas Adams


I will never forget Danger UXB or Brideshead Revisited.
But I loved POE and gave it a 10. I became very 'involved' with the characters and hated when it ended...


It was good as a miniseries, but it's a bad adaptation from the book (some episodes were good but the others were so terrible it hurt). I think most of the people who absolutely loved the miniseries didn't read the book, because the book was so much better and several unnecesary changes were introduced (big spoilers beyond so don't read if you haven't read the book): e.g. having Jack in every possible plot, reporting Jack dead, Philip about to be executed, Waleran dies after falling, stupid "prophecies", Aliena and Jack never travel to Spain (which was important for the crying statue), William Hamleigh being hanged because of the crowd and not because he took place in Thomas Beckett's assassination, the stupid incest plot with William and Regan which made absolutely no sense, Regan killing her husband, William killing Regan, etc.


Well yes, they were different. That often happens when they make movies from books. One of my fav authors is Lee Child (of Jack Reacher fame). Child has written some 16 books about him and I have certain beliefs and ideas about the character (like all hard core fans) and now that the books have been sold to movie rights.... ARG Tom Cruise is playing Reacher? Bummer. Big bummer. No where close to who Reacher is...

But I digress. Tom Follett said he was not too attached to his characters anyway. Money is money. And had to put enough ($%#^&) in the series to attract ads and viewers.


I just finished watching this series today (I bought the box set on Boxing day) and I have to say that I absolutely loved it! The acting, the direction, the story, the script...everything was top notch. I'm sad that it's over, but I'm really happy that I bought the series so that I will be able to rewatch it in the future. This one comes highly recommended; I also give this series a 10/10...

Love means nothing tennis


I found it in my local library and rented it for a week for the grand sum of $1. Watched it twice and the last 2 episodes 3 times. Even kept it overdue and had to pay 25 cents fine. Best money I ever spent I think. What really was so interesting was the actual building of the cathredal. All by hand over many many years. And to think they are still standing today. I keep going back to youtube to watch bits and pieces of it, especially the last 5 minutes or so. Chicken skin that last shot. And that wonderful music. It should have won more awards I think. There was an enhanced version on some TV channel last week and I hope they put that on DVD...
