Maud should NOT be ruler

During the battle of Lincoln Castle Maud hides in fear in the Castle while Stephen, the real Ruler, is leading his troops in battle. That is the sign of a ruler, leading not cowering in a castle.


Are you talking about the siege? There was hardly anything she could do during the siege besides try to outlast the besiegers. And they showed her riding into battle several times during the show, including when she took an arrow to the chest.



I just read the Wiki article on 'the Anarchy" it is hard to find Maud even mentioned, given how important she is in this TV show, plenty about Matilda, in fact, there seems to have been two Matildas, but I did not even see the name Maud as far as I read..

As for doing more, what would you expect some skinny bitch in a sedentary occupation, Monarch, to do ?

Go out there ass-kicking in person like Aeon Flux or the bitch from Kill Bill ?


Maud WAS Matilda. Maud is the Frenchified version of the Germanic name Matilda.

Not sure why Ken Follett chose to go with Maud when most historians use Matilda, though.


In her time she was apparently often known as Empress Maude.

That doesn't mean there wasn't more than one Matilda. Stephen's wife was also named Matlida, Matilda of Boulogne. She was very prominent in rousing the royalist side in the Rout of Winchester where Robert of Gloucester was captured.

Henry I's wife was also named Matilda, Matilda of Scotland. William Adelin's sister on the White Ship was also named Matilda.

That's only to name a few. Maude is commonly used to avoid confusion.

