Kendra Seems...

Depressed, or defeated. She is nothing like the way she was on The Girls Next Door. She seems sad - almost medicated (not saying she is). Obviously she's had to grow up a lot, but it's sad to watch.



I always thought she just seemed tired. Having a baby probably never lets you have any sleep or relaxation time lol.


Having a new born does that to you. I am a new mum too and my baby is a couple of months younger than Kendra's. The post pregnancy hormones are worse than the preganncy ones and last far longer. And the weight gain and post baby body issues just compound the problem. It all makes life very difficult and the stress of a crying baby who always needs you is the icing on the cake.

It takes about a year to start getting back to normal...



I hear these kind of answers about new babies a lot and it makes me wonder why is it that way? Why do women have so many problems with pregnancy and newborns? Is this just some people with difficult lives or chemical imbalances because of diet or whatever, or is it the majority of new moms? It seems epidemic and not normal to me. What exactly is going on?

Sometimes I think it is something biological or evolutionary, like the world's population has caught up with nature's relentless drive to procreate, but because we haven't caught up to the reality of over population, or it is ingrained in us that we MUST procreate, even when we clearly don't need to anymore (for survival of the species) it results in a backlash from nature, where nature is saying "you shouldn't have had this baby, and now I'm going to make you suffer." I know that sounds radical and extreme but mother's do kill their babies occasionally, and themselves over this bizarre malfunction, and there are millions of diseased starving babies in the world and in many cases simply because the mother doesn't know or care about birth control. When there is no food and you let your desire to bring a baby into the world that you know will starve, something is wrong with that equation.

There was a time procreation was necessary for the survival of the species, I think it's the opposite now.

