Reminds Me of....

This movie reminds me of a cross between the Pulse movies and White Noise.

Joshua B. Seth,


it reminds me of alan wake... the darkness effects are so similar


Kirk Cameron called and he wants his film back....

Seriously though, I thought the same thing when I watched it. The filmmaker may have been "inspired" by Left Behind but there are definitely a lot of references to Pulse (original version or Hollywood's sad attempt of a reboot). For example, the plane crashing, the shadows of people gathering everywhere, the whispering/soft voices, etc...

It still screamed Rapture movie even with all the other references but I definitely agree with you..


I thought Pitch Black (which isn't a rapture movie but has the keeping the creatures away with light theme).

Also The Darkest Hour, by the way the creatures gobbled up their victims.


...Night of the Comet, but not nearly as interesting.


Darkness, a mostly unknown bomb with Anna Paquin, had the creeping dark repelled by light routine. Also a Dr Who episode Silence in the Library.


The piles of clothing reminded me of Night of the Comet. Actually a lot of the feeling of this movie reminded me of that movie.


Got a Phantoms vibe from it, myself.

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?
