MovieChat Forums > The Hard Times of RJ Berger (2010) Discussion > Sorry to be that guy, but I need help wi...

Sorry to be that guy, but I need help with a song

The chorus kicks in at about the 36 second mark, and again at 1:14. I've googled the lyrics that I can hear, "I'd give everything I got, Lord knows that I ain't got a lot" and "You take a chance and I take my..." and every variation of those. Nothing even close to it comes up. I've tried contacting the kid who plays RJ Berger, but he hasn't responded. Sent a few emails to people who work for MTV, nothing in return. There's too much talking for Shazam to recognize it. I just want to download this damn song. Does anyone know if it even appears in any episodes? I can figure it out from there, but the trailer just doesn't offer enough.

tl;dr What's the song in the first half of this video?


Hello friend. I guess you may not even check this stuff anymore seeing as it was so long ago you posted this, but I only just got done watching the series and came to this board so hopefully you'll see it.

The song is 'Everything I Got' by 'The Effects'.

I was able to find out using sound hound on literally just that one bit where the dialogue cuts out while they show Jenny for like 5 seconds.

For the record, I find Sound Hound a lot more effective than Shazam!

Anyways, hope that helps. :)
