MovieChat Forums > The Hard Times of RJ Berger (2010) Discussion > This Was Literally The Best Show on MTV ...

This Was Literally The Best Show on MTV Since Daria, and Freaks + Geeks!


This was the best and the funniest show on MTV, with FINALLY good script writing... in MTV THAT IS RARE!

Then MTV cancels it after 2 seasons? really???!!.. MTV sucks at making show decisions!

I mean they should have canceled Skins the moment the first episode was done, yet they try to give it a chance.

Reasons Skins sucked was because IT WAS AWFUL!, not because of the drugs and the nudity. They were trying too hard to get teens attention with this show, UNLIKE the original Skins from UK that was an award winning show. And had it was good and entertaining.

The hardest times of RJ Berger had so much potential, and it was already GOOD!!

MTV thinks that 1-3 million view isn't good enough???...

UHHH... first of all!!!, it's MTV, NO ONE WATCHES MTV ANYMORE, people only watch it for Jersey Shore, because it's funny to see people get drunk and be retarded. if The Hard Time of RJ Berger was in a different network like FOX, or HBO etc... IT WOULD HAVE HAD 5 MILLION VIEWS OR EVEN MORE!

MTV thinks 1 million views is not good enough for them, but trust me it is!
MTV you have made one of the worst mistakes since canceling FREAKS AND GEEKS.


I've just started to watch it on Netflix and I'm really enjoying it. It's a shame that MTV axed it but at least we got two seasons which is one more than Freaks & Geeks. I'm surprised there's any room on MTV for decent shows anymore since it's mainly reality crap.



I AGREE 100 percent, MTV now is all about reality shows, and when they release a GOOD funny tv show, they decide to cancel it >_>!

MTV should just change its name to RTV (Reality Television)...


Agreed, this show would have been much more appreciated on another network. MTV sucks, they're only concerned with reality shows and will barely give anything else a second look. RJ was lucky to get to 2 seasons on this crappy channel.


MTV you have made one of the worst mistakes since canceling FREAKS AND GEEKS.
Except Freaks and Geeks wasn't on MTV, it was on NBC.
