Just discovered this show

Just discovered this show today, and found that its on Netflix. well, season one is... I started watching it, and I was rolling on the floor laughing with my sides hurting within the first minute already! LOVE IT!


Same here. Came across it on Netflix and I'm loving it so far. A little gutted there's only two seasons but never mind.



Thank you, @Rapture-Rider ! I didn't know until you mentioned it in your post just now, that season two was added! When I posted that last message, there apparently was only season one. Got it queued now.


Discovered it last month on Netflix, and just finished the series finale at 3 in the morning. I LOVED this little show. I don't usually race through series, but I just devoured this one.

Very sorry to see it go. Because it's been cancelled I recommend that you view it as just a really long movie. And not to give away any spoilers, but the show ends with a pretty big cliffhanger.

Favorite Pastime: Feeding Trolls


I actually thought this show started out AWFUL. The plots for the first few episodes involved RJ standing up to the bully, telling the popular girl he's had a crush on her since elementary, and auditioning for a lead role in a play just to kiss the hot girl. Seriously, WTF? The first few episodes were so cliche, it was incredibly irritating.

However, around middle season, the show got much better. By the end of season 1, I was loving every moment and season 2 was amazing from beginning to end. The show really picked up steam and I'm sad to see that it was cancelled.


It actually was a really funny show. You could say is was juvenile or a cliche, but regardless it was still funny. It made me laugh at loud multiple times each episode. The only other show that is able to make me do that today is TBBT. I hate that MTV cancelled it. I wish they didn't, it should be a crime to take something this good off TV.
