RJ is the baby daddy, huh?

Man, they just ramp up the insanity every season it seems like. XD

If you create a thread titled, "He/she looks like..." you are officially disturbed.


he wont turn out the father dont worry


I knew as soon as her bf said she was nauseated that it was bc she was pregnant. Thing is, how could it be RJ's (even if she is only assuming it is)? She got hit by the bus, then he had sex with her. Then didn't summer happen? Either way...she came back to school (summer or not) awhile after her accident, weeks have gone by bc he dated Jenny awhile, etc, and she is just now finding out/getting sick to her stomach? I think not.


Ya the timing doesn't make much sense for it to be his. I think it was just used for a easy "cliffhanger" but he really won't be the dad.


Well I thought Season 1 was the first half of the school year and that Season 2 was the second half. Didn't Season 1 end with a Winter dance? That'd be half way through the school year. If that's the case then there should be no problem with the timeline.

Gordon: I never said thank you.
Batman: And you'll never have to.
- Batman Begins


this is true, season 1 was the first half of the year. the Mr/Ms Pinkerton election was for the following school year, so it's only been a month or two since RJ and Lily hooked up

my beloved hero, Christopher C. Farley, 2/15/64 - 12/18/97
may he rest in peace.


the timeline is def off....he had sex with her before his dad got kicked out..and they made a point on the season finale to say his dad was living in no tell motel for 5 months...she would have sooooooo known way before this and they would have noticed she was bigger


EXACTLY! So I guess it's definitely not a summer break, only winter, but I guess when she got in it was nice and sunny out, so I got confused lol. I hate how shows do not pay attn to details, but I digress. I still think it makes no sense, and yes the whole 5 mos thing mentioned tonight. Most ppl get nauseous 4-8 weeks in, and even if not 5 mos, it's been at least 2-3 months, which she would have noticed by now......


It was the prom, which I'm pretty sure happens at the end of the year... And if I remember correctly, they were in freshman year in season 1, and now are sophomores...


No, you're wrong. In episode 2 of season 1, "Yes we can't" Right after the opening scene when he is studying with Jenny and where RJ always says his "My name is RJ Berger, and yada yada yada" opening title, Miles and RJ are walking through the hall and Miles looks at a group of girls and says "...Sophmore year is already kicking Freshman year's ass. Did you see the way those girls looked at me?" Indicating they were ALREADY in Sophmore year. And the the dance thing in the season 1 finale, it was a WINTER FORMAL, not a prom, which means it was indeed a dance right before winter break. So you think... What's a winter break for H.S. students? About a week, week and a half? By the time Lily got out of the hospital, it had to have been at least 2 - 2 1/2 weeks after RJ had sex with her. RJ & Jenny most likely went out for less than a month because they never had any time to plan a night where they could have sex, and a month seems like more than enough time to plan, unless they were super busy. If that was the case, they would have gone out for maybe a month and half, 2 months tops. So you figure, it was around the end of January, beginning of February when they broke up. That's less than 2 months after having sex with Lily if their break was the traditional winter break in December. But needless to say, the Mr. & Mrs. Pinkerton election was most likely toward the end of the school year (May - June) so Lily would've had those symptoms WAY before then. She also would've been visibly pregnant as well. I guess we already know who's baby it is anyway if you follow Seth Grahame-Smith on twitter. He said that RJ & Lily went on Maury and took a DNA test and it turned out Lily had twins, and they were Hamilton's.


she would have been showing at five months...and i mean she never slept with her boyfriend?...uh huh so it could be his...more so than rjs..she would have noticed missed periods..getting sick..umm getting fat lol


I came on here for this exact topic. There's no way that baby is RJ's. Only an idiot wouldn't notice they were pregnant for 5 whole months

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´Spiffy


Well, she's not very skinny to begin with. She has a little bit of meat on her bones. Not extremely fat. Plus she wears a lot of clothing, so it could hide any growth. I dunno. I agree the timeline is off. I think it's Hamilton's kid.


Maybe they still had sex after the summer was over. He didn't dump her until school started up again so there is still time that she could be pregnant. Plus there are shows that revolve around women not knowing they are pregnant and then they start having the baby. I actually think Miles made a joke about one of these shows during the series. Another possibility is that R.J. actually isn't the father and it will be resolved rather quickly in the third season premiere.


Lily needs to go on that show "I didnt know I was pregnant"


I'm sure it's the black guy's kid.

Although, it didn't look like her and RJ used a condom. But still, the timing is way off.

"It's around 4 o'clock. We've been here since 12 o'clock. Five hours is like enough."


its the black guys come on it makes total sense.Fugly looking white girl gets knocked up by gangsta looking brother its a cliche but true


that kid is going to come out gray. half white/half black


i wonder if this will be a dead issue come season 3, should there be one. Much like we were led to believe Lily was dead.


They had her date a black guy after RJ for a reason, so when the baby is born we know immediately it isnt his because of skin tone.


Guess we'll neer find out.
