15 != 18

How is this proper entertainment? This is a series about 15 and 16 year olds talking about sex all the time. But isn't it illegal to have sex until you turn 18 in the states?



Not if its with another minor, and even if it isn't it depends on the state, it isn't federal. For instance, in Florida once someone turns 16 they can legally have sex with anyone up to the age of 24, while in many other states there are 2 or 3 year laws (to the day) so it could be 15-18, 17-19 etc.

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!!!


You are mostly correct. The phrase "not if it's with another minor" is a dangerous phrase to use. Laws vary from state to state, as you said. In some states, it is possible for two minors to BOTH be charged with statutory rape. The "near in age" laws are (unfortunately) not common. The most common age of consent is 16. Legally married couples (sometimes requiring parental consent) are, of course, exempt.

The real problem is parents freaking out over princess being sexually active. A typical scenario is a high school boy being charged for having consensual sex with a girlfriend near his own age. The kid winds up on a sexual predator registry for decades. These registries usually list the offense, but it is generally cloaked in legalese. The end result is a sexually active teenager being seen as a heinous criminal.


It's properly entertaining, good enough for me. The actors/actresses are all of age, so that's fine to say the least. It's about the school life, not the ages.


The point is fifteen year olds do talk about and have sex, irrespective of the law. God knows what you'd make of a British series like Skins...


Skins is good, though, isn't it? :D


I prefered the earlier episodes with the original cast but yeah, it's not half bad.


The age of consent is only 18 in a few states. It's 16 in most states. Even if you're under that law enforcement isn't going to do anything if you're both under that age.
