MovieChat Forums > World's Strictest Parents (2009) Discussion > What the hell do these parents think the...

What the hell do these parents think their job is?

This generation of children is horrible. They do not know what work is. They contribute nothing but think they're all entitled to laze about and mouth off... and they think they're equals to breadwinners whose homes they live in, because their crappy attitudes have never been corrected.

Well done Yuppie generation, you're children are worthless!


Way to generalize, douchebag.


"douchebag" another brainless teen. It's kinda true, if you see all these parents with the kids who have no control, they allow their teens to be the sh&t they are.



Who even cares if they're generalizing? It's true. I'm twenty but seriously, young people thesedays mortify me.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.




Well, I'm 28 and I DON'T see all teens as stuck-up brats. Here's why:

in the March following Hurricane Katrina, I was part of my college's mission group to go down and help clean up Biloxi, MS during spring break. There were about 15 of us, over half of whom were between the ages of 18 and 22. Yes, college students giving up their spring break to put up dry wall and pick up garbage.

More? OK.
There's Brandon Bray of Seattle who volunteers at a nursing home and his church every week:

Nation-wide teens are buckling down and doing their part during the recession, trying to help in any way they can:

and the teens and tweens trying to make a real difference in the world:

It's just too easy to bash Gen Y for being lazy, spoiled, vapid airheads. Yes, there are some teens who fit that profile but what does it say about YOUR generation that you're so quick to judge?


Wait, let me make sure I understand this . . . You're letting 10 teenagers, chosen for this show specifically BECAUSE they are spoiled-rotten, rebellious brats, and allowing them to represent the whole of their generation?

So, all those well-behaved, hard-working, philantropists-in-the-making teens that are out there count for nothing. Because they're not "exciting" enough to make a TV show out of.

Well done, fellow viewer, you've grown up to be bitter and generalizing!



(The following is meant to be respectfully disagreeing in an NPR sort of way; this is NOT meant to be antagonistic although I do stand by what I say.)

1) You write that "the are hundreds of thousands of teens out there who are like [the brats on the show]". From whence you do you draw that number? Are you drawing from the world's population or only the U.S.'s? Either way, that seems terribly, and depressingly, high. So I'm genuinely curious as to the basis for this statement.

"The very existence of one is worth noticing and worth attending to--the existence of many even more so." The very existence of one WHAT? No, I'm genuinely confused. One brat? One good kid?

You also say "At no point in any episode, nor in any thread on this board, has anyone ever alleged that "ALL teens" are this way or that way." Technically you are correct in that the word "all" is never used. However, please review the inital post of this thread. Onepotato2 says, verbatim, "This generation of children is horrible. They do not know what work is. They contribute nothing but think they're all entitled to laze about and mouth off... and they think they're equals to breadwinners whose homes they live in, because their crappy attitudes have never been corrected. Well done Yuppie generation, you're children are worthless!" //// If onepotato makes no note of any exceptions, how else is his (her?) paragraph to be interpretted if not as completely inclusive?

2) "The existence of the bad and the desire to correct it by no means constitute a denial of the existence of the good. Likewise, the existence of the good by no means constitutes a denial of the existence of the bad nor of the gravity of the problem."

Certainly. I would agree. Hoewver, I do not see any acknowledgement of the "good teens" in onepotato2's original post; in fact, I would say that the original post does in fact constitute a denial of the existence of the good and I take strong exception to that. The basis for my saying so is this: Rather than writing "the behavior of this generation is horrible" he (she?) writes "the children [themselves] are horrible." And rather than "your children have behavior that will make them worthless" he writes "your children are worthless." Please, where is the acknowledgement of the good in onepotato2's post? Where is there anything but denial of the good? All I see is condemnation without even a suggestion on how to correct the bad.

3)Generalization can go both ways: recall "All generalizations are wrong."

Because all generalizations are wrong! No, I kid. Seriously, though, I agree with your statement and wonder why you felt it was necessary to include it since it seems so obvious. I'm also interested to learn which part of my previous post you felt was generalizing. I employed sarcasm, certainly, but I thought I had avoided generalizing.


Ahem! Well speaking as "the horrible generation" (I am 18 btw), I take that as being offensive. OP u wanna run that by one more again!!




Okay then. You think this generation is horrible? Who raised us? The generation BEFORE us.

The way we were raised isn't our fault.

-My fanfics


I'm 27 and while I know very little about the teenagers of this generation, it's wrong to regard the teenagers who appear on this show as representatives of their entire generation, because they don't. These kids don't represent their whole generation anymore than the kids on "My Super Sweet 16" or "Made" or even the thousands of kids who got to scream in front of cameras on "Total Request Live" do.

Let's take into consideration the fact that with every reality-based show featuring teens or twenty-somethings that MTV has to its credit is created with a certain concept and is thereby cast accordingly based on what could potentially be entertaining. Why else are teens from really wealthy families selected for "My Super Sweet 16" as opposed to teens who rely on public transportation, meals paid for with food stamps, and used clothing just so their parents can pay rent? Why else are teens who have no respect for their parents selected for "World's Strictest Parents" as opposed to teens who do everything their parents tell them? Why else does MTV keep paying lots of people who have appeared on "The Real World" and "Road Rules" to come back for the challenges year after year after year so they can back-stab, lie, cheat, and sabotage in their quest for money as opposed to an aspiring oncologist in that same age bracket who is working toward a degree in medicine or chemistry in an attempt to find a cure for cancer? It's all about entertainment and since MTV is out to make money, they need to tailor each of their shows so that it does just that.

To some extent, I think we might be giving today's teenagers less credit than they probably deserve and that's due in part to the fact that many of their parents are frustrated with the sorry state of America's economy. At the beginning of the summer, I came across an article in my local newspaper that touched upon the frustration that a lot of teens faced even just to find part-time minimum-wage jobs. The article started off by saying: "It's hard enough in this economy for people with college and graduate degrees to find jobs, but just imagine how hard it is when your only experience is household chores and babysitting for your neighbors." In response to that, analysts suggested that more teens consider looking for volunteer work, which is always a good way to gain work experience and network. While I don't know how many teens actually do volunteer in America today, that number is just one of many things that needs to be considered when you talk about their generation. MTV's main demographic might include a very high level of today's teens, but MTV's ever-changing agenda will never thoroughly represent them.


as a 19 year old, i've grown up with SOOO many kids like this, but im glad i'm not. who cares about the generalizations?! if YOU know that you're part of this generation, and you're a good person, the who gives a crap what somebody on IMDB thinks?! besides, i dont think that anybody TRULY believes that ALL teenagers are like that...

besides, there ARE alot of out-of-control teens. i mean of the kids i graduated with, 5 of them walked across the graduation stage with their baby bellies poking through their gowns, one had scholarships like CRAZY to go to college..but at the end of our senior year, she made the decision to get high all the time and quit coming to school, never graduated, and is already in REHAB and almost went to JAIL, another is in this group program where shes working to get sober, one of my oldest friends has had sex with...everybody, never graduated, got involved with drugs and alcohol, and she's FINALLY turning her life around and going to college. i mean WE ARE ONLY 19 and everybody in my grade was in such a hurry to grow up and, boy, look what it got them. we're only 19 now, we ONLY graduated a year and a half ago...and people are already screwing up BIG time...they haven't even TRIED to or given the TIME or THOUGHT towards doing what they WANT to do, towards working for their dreams to come true. they'd rather screw everything up before they even get started!! it just doesn't make sense to me...people i've known since i was 9, and i NEVER imagined they'd be drug addicts/babies mamas in 10 years...

not that i look down on teen mothers, its just ridiculous WHICH girls got pregnant...the most ILL-EQUIPPED girls got pregnant. one who is STILL getting high and drunk and thinks its cute to post pictures of it on her myspace!?!? seriously...these girls have babies but NO regard for their well-being.



wish they would have kids that are older and still haven't learned like me for example... im 29 and i love my mom but, i disrepect her all the time and well, i do what i want to do and i don't listen to her. i have my own rules. Their is no Family out there that is Strict cause if they put me on t.v. everyone will see me hit someone lol if they tried to tell me to make a hole in the yard or told me to some thing like push ups lol i would never do that. N E V E R .


I hope your joking right?


it's sad but true. a strong majority of teenagers are just bratty little mongrels. there are a good handful though that are the opposite.


I resent that!

Who do you think you are? Sarah Palin?~Tony DiNozzo


Reminds me of the same thing the elders said about the hippie generation. And what the generation before those elders said about them when they were young. And so on and so forth it will ALWAYS be. Every generation think there's is the best and most righteous...

Seems more mature to see how silly that is and ignore it...

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill



I couldn't have said it better myself stiffwatermix.

It was the Baby Boomers who created this world and now they're bitchin' because people are acting the same way they did? Screw the baby boomers! We'll be a lot better off when that generation is dead and gone.


The fathers of your generation abandoned those troubled children. You reap what you sow. After years of talking with disturbed children I can easily guess what their home life is like. Abandoning parents, drug and alcohol abuse, physical and emotional abuse etc. All these things are done by the parents. Why don't you thank your generation for abusing and abandoning their kids.


Right on Chargy. VIVA LA REVOLUTION!

"I'm not a douchebag, I'm a Revolutionary!" ~Christopher Titus, Neverlution
