MW2 is now officially FUBARed

Every lobby i join seems to be hacked by some 12 year old hero who begged for the hacking program from an older brother. This *beep* now masturbates everytime he creates a hacked lobby. Now everytime i join a game, i end up running million miles an hour, jump 2 miles in the air, get bombarded by unlimitted AC130 cannons, have your entire team constantly get headshotted from out of nowherehave, have unlimitted noob tubes going off all over the place where it looks like new years fireworks, or some idiot sets off a nuke countdown that goes for like half an hour. Once i even saw an AC130 running around on the ground! WTF is going on with this game? Is this the same all over the world? I guess i have no choice but to move on to Black Ops now... Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.



YES! I'd just run into the same kind of lobby minutes ago! Being able to jump several feet in the air, throw grenades at ridiculous distances and getting absolutely slaughtered by two little idiots who kept getting kills blind firing with pistols...this somehow happens on the ps3.

Just have to say though, the number of predator missles being launched at once was pretty funny to watch.


it just happened to me on mw1 alright....running around really fast and some dude kept just firing a rocket launcher to the position i was...he must have hit at least 25 shots to get me ..and i was wondering what the hell was goin on???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Holy Crap!

This used to be the best game ever, but I've taken a break to play BO some, and WAW, and I came back to play this today on the PS3 and it was rediculous. First game, I would get randomly teleported around the map. I just thought it was a freak glitch, but then the next map I saw the same thing.

Finally, in the 3rd match, the color/contrast made it WAY dark on my screen, almost a complete black out, and then somehow I wound up inside the middle of nowhere with a bunch of other the graphics. Just BS.

Why would anyone do that to this game? Will it get fixed???


I think its at the point of no return now...I cant see IW doing anything about these losers. My advice to everyone is just move on and let the pricks have fun with themselves on MW2. PLAY BLACK OPS!!!



After I read about the whole mess online with MW2, I won't play the game online to get the online achievements until this whole mess can get fixed. We all have George Hotz (aka Geohot) to thank for the whole mess he helped create for the online community of MW2. Unless someone on these boards wants to make a private lobby so we could play without the interference of the cheaters online.


Some 12 year old has just made be Prestige... so, basically I achieved something that I haven't worked for. It's f-ing annoying!


I downloaded mods for my pc that way I could host it, with hacks available, but I mainly used it to prevent other hackers! I use my modded server to create a stable game so players, for at least once, can play a normal game of mw2 tdm. But now those mods are gone because my careless cousins damaged my hard drive by dropping my laptop wiping everything out....

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...



since the new security patch iv had no problems on ps3

probably wont be long till someone finds a way around it tho!

Have a Nice Day!


Still haven't been on yet since patch 3.60. Hoping to be on soon if everyone says it's okay.

Edit: looks okay with patch 3.60 and IW's patch 1.12. No signs of hackers. I'm pretty rusty though after not playing for 2 months.

