Make me a sandwich?

I'm a girl gamer. My gamertag is NickyFruitysMrs. I would have thought Mrs gave it away that i'm a girl. However i still have to put 'Girl' in my clantag and still no one gets i am a girl.

Once people realize I am indeed a female of the species. Their first insult is either 'Get back in the kitchen' or 'Make me a sandwich'. Wow is that really all you can come up with as an insult. I mean apart from being called a S.L. U.T or any variation thereof the most original insult someone has said was 'Get the xbox out of the kitchen'.

My god guys get some new material. Like i haven't heard the 'sandwich' insult or 'kitchen' insults a thousand times.


Oh i did get called a scrub the other day for using a tac knife???. I was level 24 on my 8th prestige. My secondary was a SPAS-12. I was using Marathon, Lightweight, Commando. I got 17-9 and was the only person on my team to score positive. Less than 5 of the 17 kills were knife kills. The person who called me a scrub i killed twice once was a knife kill the other was a UMP kill. He also said all girls are scrubs because they don't know how to shoot. Maybe this is true for most girls. The game winning kill was by a girl on their team with an AA-12, who just sprayed everywhere.

I wish people watched their killcams before they accused people of things they haven't done. Because of course i got to 8th Prestige in less than 30 days without firing or knowing how to fire a gun. I'd like to know how i got the gold intervention prestige title or the silver MP5k/UMP45/Scar-H/etc without killing someone with a bullet.

I also got called a hacker for a search and destroy match. I was the game losing kill. They planted the bomb. I went to defuse said bomb. Laid on the floor. Some guy used a throwing knife and the aim marker was probably red, yet it missed and hit the floor beside me i heard it make a clang sound. A second later i was shot. How the hell did i hack? I'm sorry but if a bullet killed me i am damn sure if the person who through the knife had better aim his knife would have killed me too.


If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak.



Werd. The only way to shut them up is to kick their ass....and I do...and then they shut up. If someone tells me to make them a sandwich, i tell them to get off their fat lazy asses and make their own...its a freaking piece of bread and flat food, not too hard to do. If someone says "oh she's probably just a fat b!tch" I say "I might be and I might not be...I'm not, but who's to say you're not fat? I mean if you can't make a sandwich then obviously you're to fat and heavy to get up and walk to the kitchen." These are just my own rants as gamer...notice how i said gamer...not girlgamer...

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...


As a fellow female, dont let this nonsense get the best of you. Im 19, I own every system but a GameCube and I have been playing VGs for a long ass time. So for any guy or bitch ass gutterbutt trollop to tell me anything unoriginal as "Make Me a Sandwhich" I find amusement.

I want creativity damn it!!!

Tell me the type of sandwhich...type of bread...cheese..meat..crust or no do you want it cut etc etc

But thats just me lol Do your thing girl and just have fun. For the few little boys that cant find a girl playing games acceptable there are PLENTY that find it amazing.

We know the truth..its time for the rest to know too- Rosalie United


Why do you feel the need to point out to everyone that you're a girl?

And people running around with MLC shotguns and knifing is a bitch class...



^^ a bitch class lol theres no bad classes, just depends what your good with

personally im a scar man, dam i wish that gun was in black ops

either way i liked the why is the xbox in the kitchen thing lol

but if i found out i was in a match with a chick (i obviously have been but i mean if i noticed) i dont think i wud go out my way to try to make a joke, just accept it!!

especially if said chick is killing people moe than others lol

theres no set age/gender that makes you a good player, my 8 year old nephew slaughters people when i watch him play it

Have a Nice Day!


It's sorta weird coming across a good female player. Most are just horrific.



The unimaginative trash talk isn't much better when you are a dude. All I have ever really come across are "you suck", something about my mom, or you are gay (or many variants of gay). Theses people are usually to busy going 3-16 to come up with something different.

2 things. 1.) That is your opinion. 2.) You are wrong.


Slut is a word not an acronym, you don't need all the ..................


matsksm she placed the periods there because sometimes you can't post if there are offensive words in your post. This was a way to get around that.
2 things. 1.) That is your opinion. 2.) You are wrong.


Fair enough


unfortunately, ps3 and pc gamers are no different. I just choose to believe these guys are wasting their lives away. with the goal of being the best at killing others. and when a girl comes along and is better than them, they can feel their nuts shrinking with every bullet that is fired.

and as far as unimaginative insults just remember playing a game doesn't require thought. creativity does.
