MovieChat Forums > Roadie (2012) Discussion > Roadies deserve respect

Roadies deserve respect

As in many great bands like the Chilli Peppers or former great band Guns'N Roses, roadies weren't really respected.

I even saw a video of a roadie who got OWNED by Flea, the bassist of the chilli's cause his bass guitar didn't work.
Now, I understand that it's a roadies job to prepare the stuff, but sometimes, it's a technical issue.

Lemme guys know what you think..

Learn the guitar and become a Rockstar


The wise words of Henry Rollins sum it up best…

"Listen to the stage manager and get on stage when they tell you to. No one has time for the rock star act. None of the techs backstage care if you're David Bowie or the milkman. When you act like a jerk, they are completely unimpressed with the infantile display that you might think comes with your dubious status. They were there hours before you building the stage, and they will be there hours after you leave tearing it down. They should get your salary, and you should get theirs."


With all due respect no one respects roadies because they are usually leeches and parasites. They don't have any musical talent of their own, so they latch on to bands as roadies so they can live through them vicariously. They're like male groupies, they are obsessed with the musicians and instead of wanting to have sex with them (like female groupies) they want to simply hang out and travel with the band.

Also, roadies get no respect in society because they avoid the real world of adult responsibility. They are not educated, have no marketable skills, and contribute little or nothing to society.

All of that said, the film "Roadie" does a wonderful job of showing that these guys are human beings, even if they are lazy and immature.



Um. They carry all the gear and set it up. Musicians generally don't have time to do that themselves.
You have a bad attitude. I hope you're not in a band.


Indeed. Roadies make – and sometimes break – a band's performance. They are the unsung hero of rock 'n' roll, and its time to sing their praises.

I'd love to see a film that really explores a roadie's role and impact on a show. This is a decent film, but the title is misleading because there's nothing but talk about having been a roadie rather than living the life now.


The title is perfect. The film is about a lot more than a roadie's role and impact on the show.

Its a character study of a middle aged man with the emotional maturity of a 15-year old. How he came to be is a lot more interesting than what roadies do at concerts.


Would you settle for "Former Roadie"? ;-)


I appreciate your comment. As a pianist who doesn't use managers, agents or roadies I have one of many takes on the film. There were many times as a solo pianist at "country club" type bookings where I wish someone had set my stuff up ahead of time. That would have been an earned luxury but wasn't in the cards.
I schlepp my modest setup to gigs where dancing will occur. It would be nice to just show up at the venue where someone had set up my equipment ahead of time.
