MovieChat Forums > Filth (2014) Discussion > Will if be better on a second viewing?

Will if be better on a second viewing?

Anyone thought it could be better on a second viewing?

Even I'm surprised I'm not gay.


I found the movie quite tedious on first viewing, and struggled to finish it. The ending really shocked me. I for one saw a lot more on second viewing. I went from not liking this movie to liking it quite a lot, although it is quite unsettling.


Same goes for me. The accent, slang and pacing made the whole experience something like being caught in a windstorm for me. When I paid too much attention on making out what was being said I lost track of what's going on plot-wise and vice versa, even though I got the sense that the director was already simplifying things for the audience. That only came into effect after my second viewing, which I went through because I knew there was a not-all-that-hard-to-grasp story there and it annoyed me that even so it was just out of my reach. And even then I was far from 100% getting it. It was only after my third that I felt I adequately grasped it. And decided that I liked it enough that I watched it another time or two and will probably revisit it again someday.


It is difficult viewing. By the end I came to really like Bruce. Made me tear up second viewing.


For me it was.

The first night I watched it I was, shall we say, very relaxed. I went to bed about 3/4 of the way into it with the idea that it was not for me.

Then the next day I thought I would fast-forward through it before mailing it back, just to be sure it was a total loss. Then WHAM! I was drawn into it. Watched it several times and told friends about it. What a great movie. I may even buy it.

I think if anyone is the least bit uncertain, they should read the plot summary again and give it a second chance.


Maybe. I actually struggled to absorb as it was very surreal. I chuckled at first but it just seemed to get weirder as it went on. I was thinking will this madness ever end yet at same time I wanted to see the outcome.


Just watched it for my first time yesterday, and since my wife has trouble with Welsh's literary phonetic slang, I will in this rare case recommend her seeing the film initially THEN reading the book. So I'll probably watch it with her tonight or over the weekend via Netflix for MY second time. PS I wish the tapeworm had a larger presence in the narration; that was one of my favorite parts of the novel.


by fearandloathing569 ยป Fri Oct 17 2014 16:50:28
PS I wish the tapeworm had a larger presence in the narration; that was one of my favorite parts of the novel.

While The Self's (the tapeworm) narration worked wonders for the book, the film needed a less weird and less confusing way to covey what The Self says in the book. Also the fact that the film is a different perspective then the book (the film is more of the outside world, while the book was more inside Bruce[mental, The Self, + The Other{different worms}]), so they needed to reflect that, and The Self wouldn't of worked in the new perspective. But The Self wasn't forgotten, they just made it part of Bruce's hallucinations, which worked for the film greatly. And Welsh was greatly involved with this film, nothing was removed or changed without his blessing.


I found it absolutely hilarious second time around, the little looks to the camera are much more enjoyable second time around. This is a very British movie so I'm not sure the humour will travel. God bless America was the nearest I could think from across the pond that was as funny


Having seen it once already, I know it would be fun to watch again. I have to admit, the thick-as-hell Scottish accents were straight-up difficult for this American to understand at times, to the point where I sometimes couldn't make out what the hell was being said at times. But I think it would be better a second time around because the film is fun to watch in parts and just plain crazy as hell, it dosen't spell out certain things for you at first,and it does get weirder and crazier toward the end, when all the big revelations come out of the woodwork, so to speak, and the main character's downward spiral keeps spiraling on down. So yeah, it would definitely be better on a second viewing.


I strongly suggest you give it another chance. It's so shocking and "out there" I can see how it would be off-putting initially, but do try and watch it again, please.
