Is Clive Owen poor?

Why is Clive Owen in a Jason Statham film? I always thought he had more integrity than to do a film just for the paycheque. I know DeNiro does this on a regular basis but I always thought Clive was above going for the straight-up cash grab. I guess he has bills like the rest of us.



LOL @ Clive Owens integrity. Shoot 'Em Up.


Acting is a job, just like any other job.


Job can be passion for some people too.

If you're hungry, try a piece of your friend!


Few such people. Eating is usually a priority for most people.


He signed on because his character's mustache looked good on paper, and he thought that adding a mustachioed character to his acting portfolio would be a boon to his career.


Cool British action movie about ex SAS done abit like Ronin

Chance to work with De Niro

1980 set so can sport a nice 'tache, 80 clothes cars

Easy to see why Owen wanted in
