saw it on Netflix streaming

Some are asking "where can I see it?" We watched it on Netflix streaming in Hi-Def and it is very nice that way. If you are a Netflix customer, then you can watch it free.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Got an email recommending this film and my daughters use Netflix streaming all the time. So I asked them to look this one up for me. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Will watch it again with my wife.


Yes, a good story and no filthy language, no depiction of sex, one you can comfortably watch with the whole family, rare these days.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Good Movie - well written.
This is the antonym of so much filth in Hollywood.


I agree 100%. We need more film like this


It was definitely good and the twist at the end completely blindsided me!
How great :)


Just watched it on Netflix (which I totally love btw).

Attracted to the movie because I'm a Christopher Gorhem fan, but had LOW expectations from the start. I didn't read anything before about the movie, including summaries or reviews.

I really liked it.

All the actors did a great job. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but the among the best I've seen this year. I just can't stand horror or crime dramas or the same old, same old plots. Totally didn't see the twist coming until right before- LOL. The pacing was good. I wasn't constantly distracted by the directing or special effects (which happens when I'm bored with a movie). I'm actually a video editor & it's hard to for me to "buy into" a movie a lot of times- but this one flowed really well.

If you have Netflix streaming- totally watch this movie- especially if you like RomComs. I did laugh a few times, but it was def more Romance or Drama than Comedy. Which is fine with me!

and btw- I actually love the gum they were pushing and almost didn't mind the product placement- LOL
