Michael Landes Man Crush

Michael Landes is a very handsome fellow, especially in this movie. Seriously!


I thought he looks a lot like George Clooney. Shame he doesn't have the same deep sexy voice. Seriously!


Heck yes! so sexy! Yum! Never heard of him before but will start noticing more now, I hope! What originally interested me about the movie was Chris G. but I was really surprise by how much I like Michael's character. He did a fantastic job!


Micheal played the first Jimmy on Superman. The show with Dean Cain and Terri Hatcher.


OH MY GOSH! I was wondering the whole time why he was so familiar! I loved that Jimmy, the other one sucked.

Why settle with words what you can settle with a flamethrower?



He is fab, isn't he- and totally wasted in stuff like this. He was brilliant in the bitter-sweet comedy-drama Love Soup. Even more handsome when playing a well-written character.
