accepting peers

Where were these kids when I was in school? I mean, this kid eats, lives and breathes dinosaurs not too unlike me when I was all about Star Trek.

This kid has friends and people are generally accepting of his hallucinations and obsession.

I might have been a little obsessed but I never had delusions or hallucinations.


you know i was about to ask is it only dans imagination or do the dinos only let dan see them


It's a good question, personally I think he's *beep* insane and everyone around him is enabling his madness.


classic case for asperger's if he didn't have friends.


This show kinda irritates me because of the enabling--BUT HOLD ON! Angie, the curly brunette can see them too...


you sure that she sees them also? I think the kids that watch this are suppose to think dan really sees dinos, my son is only 2 and he loves this show..soo...I don't think it is for the adults


I'm glad someone else thinks this. I think the kid is schizophrenic and has some form of childhood dementia. Everyone knows it, so they just humor the crazy kid. It's like Shutter Island for kids.


lmao @ shutter island for kids


Lmao I know. I watched it and i was like Ummm does anyone else see them. I mean maybe it would work better if it was a cartoon and not live action because we all know most parents wouldn't be that encouraging and would have had Dan locked away lol.


So wait. A child has a vivid imagination and uses it to fulfill, say, a game and you think most parents wouldn't encourage it? Sorry, but what bogus world are you living in? Most parents these days actually encourage their children to use their imaginations. In fact, it can be used as a healthy resource. I'm sorry, but your post just reeks of ignorance, lol.

Never give in. Never give up. Never surrender.


Hilarious! I came to this board just to see if anyone else felt this way.

I just watched a few episodes with my kids - who are 4 and 2 and love it - but the whole time Im sitting there thinking WTF am I witnessing? This kid is batsh!t crazy and nobody is doing a thing about it, worse yet, they play up the delusions.

His "friends" at least I understand, they see him as the retarded kid in class and are just trying to be nice.


I initially thought that the kid was just insane, but in one of the episodes, there's some little dino in the attic, and the mom saw and reacted to it. So maybe they're all insane.

I'm still hoping for a Newhart-esque final episode to the show, with "Dan" waking up in a padded room with a straight jacket on.


not only that the episode with the bus dent, he had the dinosaurs hit the thing, and each time the girl left, the dino came, BUT it left a dent
