state your IQ






It is wonderful that handicapped people like you can make perfectly a living these days. Mine is "over 9000". :)



Before or after watching Prometheus?

Water... Thirsty... Sick man...


aaaaaahhhhahahahah 

You're more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?




Hello mate.

I just came back from a holiday in Spain and I'm as shocked as always to see how disgustingly obese and unintelligent the average British charter tourist is. You hardly need an IQ-test to tell that they're the equivalent of the American white trash.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



If you score 85 you can get a job as an asst warden at a WY prison.



Not sure what you mean by "trash the world over" but I've met plenty of nice normal British tourists, just not around the Mediterranean.

As for Shats, I think he's half right. There's plenty of fat rich people but very few obese, they all pretty much cone from poor uneducated families and there's got to be another reason for it than that being obese is their choise. There not being enough food is nonsense, it's just not distributed evenly around the world.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



we can't all be aryan supermen


...nor women without clothes.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board


Was that you getting another politically incorrect post deleted, James? If so, I never got a chance to read it.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board




Aren't fat people supposed to be happy and cheerful, at least outwards?

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



When I was a single, I had a simply rule, if a chick weighed more than I did (200 lbs) I wasn't going to bang her. This prolly excluded only 10% or so which I happily left to chubby chasers. I mean how would you even do it, roll her in flour and look for the wet spot ?

Hillary For Prison 2016





Okay, I officially just put you on my friends list. Let's see... 22 days, and you just couldn't leave, and on top on everything on Noomi's board 

But what is the Bakewell card? Okay, don't answer that. As for stating one's IQ... I've only made two, and I doubt I'll do it again, I'm really not good with triangles and especially not squares. I'm way too slow. But one was a Mensa quick test, I was on my way to bed and got 95, haha. The other one was advertised on Facebook, so I took it and paid 50 SEK even, and got 122. So now I'm more convinced than ever that everything on Facebook is true 




IQ on FB? Will the app increase your IQ if you invite friends to take the test? 


The correct post should have started as IQ on FB?. A word was missing.


What app? I'm boycotting all apps out there. Hi by the way, hope you're fine, nice to see you. But you know Seneika, the lovely smell of irony? 🐽

The test wasn't Facebook's own, so I won't score any extra points because I took the test. You're the scientist here, why don't you try it yourself? I'm guessing 143... 


Hi, Beja. I'm sorry I didn't say hi before. I hope you are all right!I was just joking about all the apps in FB that, specifically games, that people often ask help with. Like Candy Crush, etc.So I took the test. I paid R$10,00 to know that my IQ dropped about 10 points and is now 128, according to this test. The last test I took was different. It had numbers, correspondence between words and other stuff.At least I got a certificate. Good to see you, and I hope I didn't cause a misunderstanding in my first post.


Hi again! That's okay, of course. I've thought about replying to you in your thread many times, just been a bit too much lately. Good to see you too! But I'm okay, no misunderstandings, we know each other by now, and I got that you joked about it. Facebook seems to be have put some kind of spell on this board, or on most people these days.

You took the test, paid and all, and dropped 10, nah...  But then I would really trust the former test, especially if there's a wider diversity maths/squares/words. But at least you got a certificate, I got one too, haha. Harry, oh sorry Johnny, had of course all of them right and won't pay  It's good to see you Seneika!


So Johnny 5 is Harry? I suspected but I thought he was using another name. Neema, Neena, Seesta, or something like that.Good to see you, Harry!I think we're all going to stay around waiting for Prom 2 then.





There you are, with the good ol' Plinkett's flashing LL and all...! But where's your axe? Here am I, with my;

Or rather: "why is there an axe in the movie?" Remember? 


I was always cool with the fire axe Beja Now Shaw's foldable ladders which turn into a crucifix pendant chain, that's another matter... Stupid - foolish, gullible, doltish, dumbbell... Need input!





Now Shaw's foldable ladders which turn into a crucifix pendant chain, that's another matter... 

It did? I really can't recall that scene to be honest, and I haven't got a foldable ladder, so I can't practise to see if it turns into a crucifix. But I do have an axe, in case there's an alien comes knocking on my door. Hmm... maybe I should get me a ladder, I do have a balcony... 
Okay, I'm bored, and this is a hidden bump, the last thread on the board... 


Thanks for saving it from being ran over by a giant wheel shaped ship Beja! Much appreciated 

I think the ladder was in her tights and David somehow made her cross or's all too deep for me you know! 

Maybe one of the Lovers will show up and explain the whole thing away easily as apparently they all get it (Geddit!) [biggrin)

My bestestest funny evah!!!


Well, thank you. There is something fishy about thighs in tights when they are being crossed... Although, I doubt that sevenlil will agree. It's probably too deep for anyone. Or maybe Java have a good explanation, and I mean in a good way, I miss him. Or BB, he's always sweet.

Speaking of, I'm not sure I actually will recommend Midnight Sun to you. After 3 episodes (with Stormare in only the first, but he might pop up) it's kind of... meh. If you rather watch Bachelor in Paradise, I guess something is off...


As inviting as Bachelor in Paradise sounds Beja, I think I'll give that one a miss 

Some show's pilot episodes are excellent but quickly descend into jobs for those in the right circles soon enough and that's why I'm afraid to go near any seasons of series until it has been completed (With the odd exception!).

I'm wondering if Noomi's ladder tights will be crossed at all in the new movie...It must mean something if they are! ()

The Monday movie looks like it might be a good un' though 

My bestestest funny evah!!!


I honestly haven't seen more two episodes of Bachelor in Paradise, but there are nice people, and the show is more just for fun.

I watched the fourth episode of Midnight Sun tonight and I have to say it's getting better. There are quite unknown actors and they really do a great job all of them. It's a messy storyline, but I have to say, I'm more intrigued right now.

Noomi yes, not sure what they're doing with her. Her board is awfully quite and I hope they have something good for her in AC, keeping my fingers crossed. And I really hope Monday and Rupture are going to be acknowledged, because she's so worth it. She really is.


Noomi rocks!

She as just given a dud un' with Prometheus - not her fault.

Let's hope she gets massive and looks back on this and laughs at how bad it was 

My bestestest funny evah!!!





l should have quit drinking


data base says


type 97 automatic cannon


