MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > Not nearly as bad as some people said

Not nearly as bad as some people said

Released amidst unfathomable hoopla in the summer of 2012, it was next to impossible for Prometheus to live up to the dreams and hopes of the property’s fan base. For the movie to be ‘worse’ than what many wished for is one thing. For it to venture into such vastly different territory than any of the previous films was equally challenging for some to accept. With respect to characterizations and plot machinations, it is extremely difficult to argue that Lindelof and Spaiht’s work is airtight. Certain characters commit themselves to acts that only seem to lead to their demise (par for the course in dumb horror movies), a couple plot twists prove less surprising than the filmmakers might have envisioned, and any attempt to synthesize what exactly the black, DNA-altering goop does is somewhat confusing. These are real issues, therefore making Prometheus an imperfect film.


For it to venture into such vastly different territory than any of the previous films was equally challenging for some to accept

Vastly different is fine, vastly stupid and boring less so.


Not nearly as bad as some people said
You are right.

It's much much worse.

You're more advanced than a cockroach, ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?


I understand your hate Bvs, but this movie is not on that level.


Certain characters commit themselves to acts that only seem to lead to their demise (par for the course in dumb horror movies)

Unlike other 'dumb' horror movies, the characters find themselves on a planet devoid of life par 2 tiny worms and a hibernating giant. There's nothing to stop them from leaving at any time or pause to reconsider what's going on, yet they still manage to get themselves killed.
Water... Thirsty... Sick man...


This movie is about finding God to extort the secret of immortality from him: this has nothing to do with ALIEN.

This movie should not exist.


by DarlesChickens;

"it was next to impossible for Prometheus to live up to the dreams and hopes of the property’s fan base."

The fan base is not a monolith with a single POV.
No film sequel can satisfy every person in the fan base.

"For it to venture into such vastly different territory than any of the previous films was equally challenging for some to accept."

That's the thing about personal taste;
If "Prometheus" had been a basic monster hunt film like Alien 3 & 4 or even the AVP movies, some would have liked that and some would have gone meh.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈




Alien 3; 6.4
Alien 4;. 6.3
AVP; 5.6
AVP 2. 4.7

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


Wow... "A basic monster hunt flic like Alien 3". Thickest comment on this board. Congrats!


It's a horrible *beep* storm that only thick people will appreciate. This movie was a mistake by Scott. A mistake I doubt he'll make up for in Alien: Covenant. It's filled with semi-theocratic nonsense. 35,000 year old cave paintings as far up as scotland during a lethal ice age. Man did not have the technology to travel that far in those conditions. That's the movies first stupid plot hole. One of a dozen during the first 30 minutes at least... So no... There are not "a few problems"... They are in fact legion.


by c-eriksson82

"35,000 year old cave paintings as far up as scotland during a lethal ice age. Man did not have the technology to travel that far in those conditions."

I assumed that the Neanderthal could have been in that settlement. They lived in Britain. Recent research has concluded that the Neanderthal could have moved into southern Scandinavia.

Neanderthals Could Have Lived in Southern Scandinavia... Neanderthals lived across Eurasia between 200,000 and roughly 30,000 years ago, although these dates are far from agreed upon. Their duration, and the breadth of the area they inhabited: from the Middle East to the British Isles, shows the Neanderthals’ flexibility and endurance, especially when one considers the period they lived in included the last Ice Age.

It also needs to be added that "Prometheus" has a fictional timeline with fictional archeological evidence and includes early human contact with fictional advanced space aliens (as stated in the film and by the film makers).
- With the assistance of the Engineers, early humans could have made it to Scotland at the approximate time stated in the movie and as the film explains, it was the Engineers who taught the early humans to make the star pattern.

* These kinds of movies can present fictional archeological evidence.
One example is the AVP film which has a giant ancient pyramid buried in Antarctica.
- In Jurassic Park the idea is presented that dinosaur blood from ancient mosquitos caught in amber can be used to create living dinosaurs.
Is that factually true? No.
It's science FICTION.

Not a plot hole.

Imo at least, BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈
