Hypocritical bitches

I'm not the one who want to drop any names.

So please go ahead...

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board




First they make us somewhat in their image, then want to reorganize us into who knows what with black goo.



You mean engineers, but yeah, I hate when that happens!

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board


Not really, I guess the truth hurts.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



I'm not the one who want to drop any names.

Oh, quelle surprise...

Okay, there are no bithches and ecpecially not today, because it's the 8th of March. And you're not the bad guy, at least not today, ha. So instead of harping on about the same thing over and over again, I think we should celebrate that instead, so, hip hip hurray! đŸŒč http://i.imgur.com/t7U7iqi.gif đŸŒč



Oh, your greedy type, what more can you take advantage of? Okay, don't answer that.

Instead, a BIG thank you đŸŒč and I'll try my best to make this day a good one... 


Never heard of it.

Didn't we just have Valentines Day?

Oh well, I guess I wont ask my wife to make me a sandwich today and maybe I'll let her on top.


Well, you know women. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile...or as we say in Swedish, give them the finger... 

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board


Never heard of it? Where do you live, in an igloo in Greenland? I mean, the seals and all... 🐧 But okay, it's never too late to learn, so here it goes;

The International Women's Day was instituted in 1910 by the world socialist organization Second International. Each year in each country would be on the same day to celebrate the Women's Day under the slogan: "Voting rights for women will unite our strength in the struggle for socialism."

But it wasn't until the first United Nations World Conference on Women in Mexico in 1975 where the initiative was taken to introduce a common women's day. The UN General Assembly then decided this in a resolution in 1977. Since 1978, the March 8 is included on the UN list of anniversaries. With the UN "recognition" can be said that the International Women's Day was changed from being a socialist protest day to an apolitical festival day, but how to celebrate it varies greatly between countries.

Valentines Day (to celebrate Saint Valentine, who no one really know who he was) started already in the late 400's. Here, in Sweden the celebration of Saint Valentine, didn't occur to any great extent until the 1960s, when it was launched for commercial reasons and by American cultural influences. See, that's why "Alla HjÀrtans Dag" as we say here, is just crap.

Oh well, I guess I wont ask my wife to make me a sandwich today and maybe I'll let her on top.

No, it's the other way around. And let her be on top, one day/year? Ouch.


My fav holidays:

St Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo for drinking purposes.

4th of July for Barbecue and obviously Halloween.

I'm with Snoop as far as preferring doggie style.


Oh, you seem to be a very international guy, even though you're an American, if I'm not mistaken. Mexico, Ireland and of course the US. But Halloween, because of the candy?

But seriously, as for Snoop, not have any eye contact?! It's in the eyes, you know. And I don't mean the brown one.


Halloween because you get to bang your partner while shes dressed up like someone else.

I had a tooth fairy once.


Ouch, not sure it sounds good, although quite innocent. Maybe you should just change wife. But a tooth fairy, seriously? Did she pull one of your baby teeth, while you were a pumpkin, and replaced the lost tooth with a quarter?


I think I was a pimp that year or maybe I was Hugh Hefner.

Pirate and Slave Girl always works out nice IMO or maybe Dallas/Hicks and Ripley.

If I wanted her to dress as a nice Swedish girl next year any suggestions other than the obvious: blonde hair, big boobs, a drink in her hand and a pleasant morally casual attitude (without being slutty).


 You were a pimp?! Did you wear shiny alligator leather shoes while? And a fake moustache? But ugh, not Hugh Hefner, that's kind of an overkill, eww...

Pirate is okay, and so is Ripley. But not a slave girl, you're watching Game of Thrones way too much.

If you want her to dress like a nice Swedish girl... but hey, wait a minute! What is it with people who think Swedish women are blonde with big boobs?! The biggest stereotype ever, shame on you. I'm normally kind of dark blond, or if in a bad mood, I'd say mousy, unless I haven't high lights.

But anyway, suggestions... Well, how about Alicia Vikander, Noomi Rapace or Rebecca Ferguson?


Blame Seka from Swedish Erotica fame I guess.


Whatever floats your boat.


We each call them as we she them, but I wouldn't call your assumption a lucky guess.

Who's bad...

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board




Looking forward to next weeks episode, However, is a fake account set up to make people believe it's another fake account really more fake than the original fake account? 

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



Nah, that's like asking a Prometheus lover what there is to get about the film.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board




Speaking of non sequiturs. One has to be, if not completely stupefied, then at least somewhat dazed in order to accuse people of bullying while approving the actions of a certain c.nt. How can you and I be bullies, when she and he_can't?

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



I'm not surprised you are easily stupified.

Speaking of non sequiturs. One has to be, if not completely stupefied, then at least somewhat dazed in order to accuse people of bullying while approving the actions of a certain c.nt. How can you and I be bullies, when she and he_can't?

Yes its almost identical behaviour in every way...except for the bit where I made his full name and the area where he lives available to anyone.

Except for the bit where I published his photograph for anyone to see.

Except for the bit where pasted his photo onto a photograph of a penis and testicles and published it onto the board for anyone to see.

Except for the bit where I made several photoshopped images of him and published them not once but twice.

Except for the bit where I made personal comments about his looks,wished him dead,wished he'd been aborted.

Except for the bit where I made fun of his career,interests and aspirations.Apart from that its exactly the same.

I could do all of the above,but I wouldn't dream of doing it no matter how I felt about James.I don't hate James.He and I have spoken at great length we just dont see eye to eye unfortunately.

It's a shame that you never afforded Pancakes the leniency that you do some of your fellow abusive posters.It seems it's only okay to be abusive if you don't like the film,is that right?

That is so very childish and you need to grow up.However if you are asking me to leave James alone I have absolutely no problem doing that.Consider it done.

Only a complete moron would continue abusing someone when others are asking them to stop.

And even though you fool your souls
Your conscience will be mine,all mine



you bully

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste


TÀnkte bara rÀdda en av dina mycket fÄ trÄdar, som likt en glaciÀr hÄller pÄ att glida ner i avgrunden ifrÄn denna utsökta, men sakta utdöende board.

LĂ€gger sĂ€llan ut grejor pĂ„ Facebook, men nu kunde jag bara inte lĂ„ta bli, nostalgiiii... SĂ„ du fĂ„r en slĂ€ng av sleven du med. Och vad kan vara bĂ€ttre Ă€n en lĂ„t frĂ„n 2000 och den allra första sĂ€songen av Big Brother, jag tittade slaviskt, dock en av de fĂ„ sĂ€songer jag kikade. Men texten pĂ„ denna lĂ„t, som de snodde ihop pĂ„ en dag eller tvĂ„, Ă€r faktiskt genialisk och gĂ€ller nu, mer Ă€n nĂ„gonsin. Och Paula och Christoffer Ă€r fortfarande gifta...! Hoppas allt Ă€r vĂ€l med Family Four! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVY25vwuiQ4 


That video was at least half interesting.

What was the writer/director/artist attempting to communicate in the scene where the girls are handcuffed together?

Was that something deeply symbolic or just a Swedish girl thang?


 You didn't run it through Google Translate? Yes, the director was trying out a teaser before all the girls jumped into a huge bed and later had... a pillow fight.

It's a song which is written by everyone in the video, and who also attended in Sweden's first Big Brother. 100 days trapped in a house. Mediahora means yes, media whore, and the text applies now more than ever. I didn't miss many episodes, because there were many funny and likewise smart people in that house.

But if you now don't have BB in the US, (besides BB-15) the participants get different assignments, for example to be chained together for one day, or wrestle in mud. Or to drink as much alcohol as possible. And having sex in front of the camera, which few had, as this was the premiere in Sweden. Now, you cannot look at today's BB, where everyone is trying to be as extreme as possible, to get any kind of attention. So sad, mildly said.

And the girls being chained together is not a statement of any kind, it's just another "mission", nothing religious and not a girl on girl thing, haha.



Now, drop the names. You know you want to. You know you need to. You know it's right.

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste



I've read recently that people can identify themselves as they see fit and change as often as they want.

I remember they brought this into...Buenos Aires at some point and some friends I have there were talking about changing their genders legally just for the fun of it (No need for operations or hormones of anything). Further North in New York they've got something like 30 different gender types legally recognised.

I think the jury is out on the mentally ill though, seems like a lot of people just crave attention 

My bestestest funny evah!!! https://vid.me/ToVD



I'm sure that my daughters and a few other people would argue that my life do matter but in a broader context, no life matters.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board



It translates just fine.

Perfectly unpretentious backbone of the board
