MovieChat Forums > Rise of the Guardians (2012) Discussion > I Think I Got it! Why this movie didn't ...

I Think I Got it! Why this movie didn't do well.

I think it just hit me. One of the key reasons this movie didn't do well. (Yes it lost money. Even though it made x at the box office, they don't add the $50-$200 million on top for marketing and promotion nor what the theatre chains take.)

1. In 2010 There was a lukewarm film called LEGENDS OF THE GUARDIANS about a bunch of owls.

When RISE OF THE GUARDIANS came out in 2012 many people, including me, thought this was some offshoot of that terrible movie.

If the name had been changed to something it would have helped parents sift through the Christmas craziness. A big part of it was marketing and promotion. I saw it yesterday and it's ok. The visual stuff is spectacular.

2. It was missing something though not sure what. Maybe a love story? I just realized almost all animated films have a love interest. This had none, nothing to connect emotionally. e.g. why would a little girl be interested? Why would parents be interested? Even the most mediocre kids movie it's important to have a love interest or family connection of some kind. This was missing.

Here is my question re: the name: If you were naming this movie. What would you name it?


Ever movie does not have to have a love interest in them.

repeat to yourself it's just a show you should really just relax.


Of course it doesnt. however sadly love interest is what sell tickets to sheeps. and sheeps are majority moneysupliers for these movies. hence while having no lvoe interest enchanted the movie itself, it didnt enchant the box office.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I understand what you're saying. One of the reasons I didn't see it in theaters was because I thought the name was, to put it simply, lame. That's also the reason why I didn't see 'How To Train Your Dragon' until years later. Plus, the marketing for the film wasn't very well executed. I kept seeing a winter theme and 'Santa Clause' so I assumed it was just going to be some cheesy Christmas movie. Same problem I had with 'Dragon', clips and dialogue that just didn't excite me. Of course after I watched them, I nearly smacked myself for not giving them a chance.

Personally I'm glad it didn't have any type of romance in it (except for maybe that long hug between Jack and Tooth at the end). This way, more focus seemed to be on the action and story itself. Disney is probably a lot better with the romance stuff because that's the main base of their stories, the girl (sometimes guy) goes on an adventure and falls in love with the boy (or girl) along the way. If there was going to be romance though, I would have preferred it be like between Hiccup and Astrid. Kind of obvious but subtle enough to move along with the storyline.

For your last question: I honestly can't think of any other title to call this by. Once the name grows on you, it can be hard to think of it as something else.


I agree, I thought it was a sequel to that awful movie for the longest time


I really don't see how anyone who knew anything of either film beyond the titles could make this mistake. If you saw a trailer or commercial, or read a synopsis, or saw a poster, you'd know they were completely different films, wouldn't you?

I used to want you dead but
Now I only want you gone.


I initially thought they were related. By the time I realized they weren't I had already implanted a negative association.


I was studying abroad in London when I found out about this movie. I never saw a trailer but every time I walked back to where I was staying, I would past this bus stop and they had posters up. The poster was of Jack Frost and the Easter Bunny and I remember stopping and looking at the two posters and going... "Rise of the Guardians... Jack Frost, he looks cute and pretty awesome and The Easter Bunny, he looks tall and VERY awesome." I think I saw one for the Tooth Fairy as well and at that moment, I wanted to see it.

I didn't think of the Owl movie (only thing I associate with that movie is the Kings and Queens song by 30 Seconds to Mars which is awesome), and never thought it was connected. The animation is different and wouldn't there be owls involved somehow if it was connected? *Shrugs*

But unfortunately Dreamworks can be a hit or miss when it comes to their movies. Shrek is definitely one of their biggest mixed emotions movies...but this movie was so fantastic that I'd watch it many times in a row lol.


When RISE OF THE GUARDIANS came out in 2012 many people, including me, thought this was some offshoot of that terrible movie.

Interesting, especially due to the complete 'lack' of an owl in the numerous "Rise of the Guardians" trailers ... on TV and at the theater.


I thought it was related to Legend of the Guardians also. I never bothered to watch the online trailer for ROTG, and never saw one in a theater or on TV.

The story is king.


I think you definitely have a point. Just the other day I asked my Mother what she was watching on television without really paying attention or looking to see what was on and she said "Rise of the Guardians" and I replied back with "....You mean that stupid movie about the owls???" Needless to say I was shocked to learn that this wasn't the owl movie I thought it was and ended up watching it on HBO. I've fallen in love with the movie and watch it anytime it's on now. I think a lot of people probably made the unfortunate mistake of confusing this with the owl movie just like I did and maybe that did play a role in why the movie didn't do so well.


Actually, back when it came out there was a contingent of posters here trashing the film for sounding like a sequel to such a great-in their opinion-movie. I thought it was related until I saw the trailer.

Parents are dumb sometimes. I ran into more than a few who thought Pitch looked too scary. I took my daughter to Nightmare Before Christmas a something like 5 Or 8 times when it came out. I pushed it to all her little friends' parents but most complained it looked too scary.
Pixar fanboys were also trashing Guardians hard last fall
