Tooth's Character Design

First off, I loved Tooth's character design....but I don't believe they chose the correct design for The Tooth Fairy... they may have been trying to think out of the box with this one, but I think they missed the mark, honestly.


I guess it's to their credit that they didn't just go with Tinkerbell type design, but I didn't think what they came up with was particularly successful. For one thing, the feathered top of her head kinda overwhelmed her face like a hat slipping down over her brow, and her body feathers to me almost looked like fish scales.

While we're on it, Santa's dark eyebrows made him look almost sinister, and it seemed rathet out of character for the jolly old elf to be wielding a pair of sabers. He's Santa Claus, so why not have him deal with adversaries by swinging that big toy sack of his around, or have him reach inside and bring out a marshmallow-firing automatic weapon?


I love all the designs, they are more than creative and fitting.


I think they thought about the birds that clean the teeth of hippos.


I love Tooth's design; she looks like an iridescent hummingbird. MUCH better choice than the standard 'flying lady in a sparkly dress' fairy design.

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?
