MovieChat Forums > Great Directors (2010) Discussion > Rotten tomatoes' users (what do they kno...

Rotten tomatoes' users (what do they know?) weigh in ...


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Shame 'bout the mediocre reception this film got ...

Glee = Gayest. Show. E-ver!


It got mediocre reception because it was a poorly made version of something that could have been a lot better. Did you see it? The vanity shots are brutal. Left several people yelling at the director to "get off the screen," in the theater.



Did you see it?

OF COURSE, I saw this film! I liked it very much.
My audience liked the film very much, and clapped at the end of it. I didn't mind the shots of the director in the film, either. Nor, it appeared, did anyone else.

Lastly, no one yelled at the screen for any reason, during the screening of it that I saw. Where I live, we don't 'talk back' to the screen(s) UNLESS ... we are at midnight showings of say, "Rocky Horror Picture Show", for example.
We are respectful of what we see, by and large.

The more Ken Loach films I try to see, the more I think they need subtitles!



Agreed, I've also never seen a feature length documentary where you see the director/interviewers reaction shots so much. She'd be fine interviewing on the news, she's not cut out for documentaries.

The doc is also horrendously edited and put together. Way too much bouncing around.


"1) Have never seen a doc in which the filmmaker/interviewer shows him/herself so much. Ridiculous."

Then you have not seen the documentary Side By Side, in which Keanu Reeves includes as many shots of himself nodding in agreement to whoever is talking as often as inappropriately possible.



Okay, but I thought that the superfluous shots of Reeves also reeked of narcissism (plus I thought that that documentary lost coherence and focused on films that were too mainstream to feel like an art form was being discussed rather than a business model).

I hadn't seen Great DIrectors until last night but she was definitely trying to immortalize herself with unnecessary self-footage (the segues of her self-conciously walking around were quite laughable). Plus, she looked bored and detached half the timeā€”in one shot, you can see her looking at and fiddling with something in her hands while one of the Great Directors was speaking. Awkward indeed.
