Sabine Moussier

I have only watched four novelas in which she participates and she is always some man's mistress.

--El Privilegio de Amar
--Entre el Amor y el Odio
--Piel de Otono
--Amar Sin Limites: not a mistress but had a relationship with a man she knew was in love with someone else.

In this novela she again is a married man's mistress.


You can add at least one more title to that list: El Derecho de Nacer (2000 version). She pursues Saul Lisazo despite the fact that he's in love with Kate del Castillo.

Based on how she's aging, though, she may not have a lot of time left as a femme fatal villain.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


I used to think she was a very pretty lady but now her exagerrated tan makes her look a bit odd.


In combination with the hair badly in need of a salon it makes her look lower-class.

Of course, this is nothing compared to Lucia Mendez' bad plastic surgery. She looked frightening.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


Ha, I will have to agree with you two. That chick's tan is waaaaayyy too tanned. She looks like a bronzed statue and that Lucia lady's plastic surgery is errr... yeah bad.
