
What a sick b1tch.

It shocks me that Paulino has allowed her to get away with this outrageous behavior including -- but not limited to -- locking up Lucrezia and now firing Delphina. Lucrezia will shortly have nobody except the priest (whom I'm sure will shortly be on Rosario's crap list).

Who else is betting that the baby is a girl?

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


I hope the baby is a girl, maybe that will cause her to stop being such a betch.


I don't think it would have made any difference, in all honesty. I can imagine her having major PPD no matter what and we'd have to worry whether she'd go Andrea Yates.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


Now that we know what happened I am wondering why Rosario doesn't just try to murder Lucrezia. Unless I didn't hear correctly, she sarcastically referred to her the other night as a verdincita or "dear little piece of scum."

Paulino should never have let that pass. However, I think he "married up" like Gambino with the difference that he had been in love with Rosario, had been a faithful husband, and that he handles the family business successfully.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.
