MovieChat Forums > Trauma (2009) Discussion > Trauma NBC Promotional Flyers: Print, Ph...

Trauma NBC Promotional Flyers: Print, Photocopy + Share!!

Join our Efforts to Save Trauma. Download, Print & Photocopy our Promotional Flyers and Share! Hand them out in your area and to people you meet.

Help Save Trauma !


Great idea!!! Thank you for making an effort to keep this awesome show around.


It's a group of us The Trauma Street Team and we do it because we love the show and want to see it get the chance it deserves! :)We Love the show!


Hey, I really love the show and don't want to see it get canceled. I am a busy person but when I have spare time I would love to help this effort. How can I become a member of the Trauma Street Team?


you can follow on twitter @traumanbcfans or on Facebook: or on tumlbr:
but the biggest way you can help is by getting peple to watch about the show & why you like it, share the online episodes preferably on hulu :


Thanks! Yeah, I would love to help! I try to spread the word with my circle of friends! This show is too good to get cancelled.
