Larry David

Maybe I just don't get his humor, but he seemed overly critical of the women. I know he says at one point he is a misogynist but I think he was kidding (maybe?). In the first couple with the messy husband he said he was surprised anyone would want to sleep with the woman. I thought she was pretty. And what's wrong with not wanting to have sex if you have to spend all day cleaning up after your sloppy spouse?

For God's sake! That was a pot brownie! You're stoned off your ass!!


He and Ricky are the only good things the show has going right now. Enjoy it while it lasts.


If you ever watch Curb you'll find that he's critical of everything.


I like how he's being real and not sugar coating how ludicrious this terrible show is.

Is he a bit mysoginistic? Sure, but in all fairness he's recently divorced, he has to tolerate the irritating and droll Madonna, and oh yeah he's Larry David. He exemplifies crotechy old man.




See this is the only reason to watch this show!! The panel!! That's it. You tune in to watch mostly NY-based celebrities go to town on these married weirdos and their problems. Larry David, Gervais and Madonna? Yeah that's a panel to watch.



She was the one that drug it down the most (even more than that stale host). Every time Ricky and Larry had good banter going, she had to force in a bitchy, boring whine. Totally killed the mood.

No one actually gives a *beep* about the married couple, Madonna. No one is watching to see their problems solved. Just let the funny people make jokes.


He is a cynical son of a gun, but so dang funny.

His obnoxiousness amuses me. Madonna's annoys me. Gervais is awesome, as usual.

Heart attack never stop ol' Big Bear!


I actually thought she was tolerable on this show (or less annoying than I thought she would be??). But that host was ridiculously annoying and he vetoed their vote. And then Madonna was like, "Why are we even here then?" And that, my friends, is why this show is totally dumb. FAIL!!

I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen.


lol larry david was pretty much exactly like his character on curb, in fact angrier and more bitter even.


He seemed genuinely pissed off about something else and I think it carried over into the show.

Maybe he regretted agreeing to appear on it because Madonna is such and idiot.

Also, his hetero show with Ricky Gervaise would have been awesome


Man, Larry and Rickie should really do a show together. Or at least have Ricky guest on Curb, they had good chemistry.

I found it hilarious that Madonna reacted to Larry the same way most of the female characters on Curb do. I'm guessing this is how all of the women in Larry's life are towards him. No wonder he hates them.


I really dislike The Marriage Ref, but I watched specifically for Larry David, and I must say, it was worth it. Larry was in great form.



Larry David was just having a good time. And if you know him you know he complains and rips on everyone.

Madonna is clearly a man hater though.


He was there to be funny.
He succeeded. He was hilarious.

