MovieChat Forums > The Marriage Ref (2010) Discussion > I like the show, but the HOST IS TERRIBL...

I like the show, but the HOST IS TERRIBLE! Get rid of him!

I really thought the show was funny in some parts, and I like seeing the celebs talk back and forth. But my GOD, that host is so terrible. Honestly, I used my fast forward on the DVR every single time he started talking. I just skipped him. Too bad I could not mute his stupid laughing in the background when the camera was not even on him.

Can they please get rid of that host. He has a terrible voice, he isnt funny at all, his laughing is annoying, and he says stupid things.

Anyone else hate the host? I could see myself watching this show or at least when celebs are on who I like (Larry David, Tina Fey) as long as they get rid of the host.

Avatar: "The biggest box office flop in movie history"
-sith56 (Wed Dec 2 2009)


Jerry likes this host though. Jerry has said that he choose this host as someone that people would want to invite into their home. But if he was in MY home, I have to say I would ask him to leave.


Agreed. The host reminds me of a used car salesman or an abulance chaser. Everything about him just annoys me. His haircut, his teeth and smile, his voice and face.

Just get rid of the host and just have Ricky, Larry, and a guest star.

Jerry made a bad call on this guy.

Going to stop watching a show or think it "Jumped the shark"? Don't bother posting, nobody cares.



Avatar: "The biggest box office flop in movie history"
-sith56 (Wed Dec 2 2009)




I agree the Host is a problem here. I would watch the show without this host, replace him with anyone


His laugh is so irritating.
