and the D list panel.

Tracy Jordan, Kathy Griffin and someone i never heard of. Ya gonna skip that train wreck. I can't stand Kathy Griffin, and I don't find Tracy Jordan funny (annoying and over the top on 30 Rock)

Going to stop watching a show or think it "Jumped the shark"? Don't bother posting, nobody cares.



Yah I don't see Nathan Lane as being a D-lister, same with Tracey Jordon.

I personally like all three of the panel members this week and they are all funny, at least to me, so hopefully this week will be a good definitely won't be as good as Larry/Ricky/Madonna they need to get them back<3



I think Tracy Jordan had a few before he came on the show. He seemed drunk to me. Kathy is funnier when she is scripted and Nathan didn't seem to want to be there. What a train wreck.



Oh well, you guys knew what I meant when I said Tracy Jordan.
