MovieChat Forums > Shark Tank (2009) Discussion > Here's a business I'd like to pitch

Here's a business I'd like to pitch

Here's how it might go...

Hello Sharks!

Imagine if you will, you want to go to Alaska or a remote part of Canada, or even Mexico. If your vehicle broke down it could result in DEATH! From the elements or from banditos (in Mexico).

My company has come up with a solution. Mechanic-in-Your-Trunk. What we do is abduct a mechanic (greeted with derisive laughter) wait wait....we abduct a mechanic, tie him up and gag him, put a big diaper on him and put him in your trunk will all the tools and many parts for your car. Don't forget to water and feed your mechanic (ear plugs recommended and don't forget to bring extra duct tape).

When you get near you destination just set your mechanic free, he'll probably find his way home.
