Losing it!

There was something definitely missing in tonight's episode--maybe charm? Sentiment? COMEDY? Something? Hard to put my finger on, but I do think this will be The Middle's final season.

Previous scripts were witty, so we didn't need a laugh track. In tonight's episode, there were several scenes that just fell flat. There was no pay-off, no nothing. Mike says, "I'm tired," and the scene ends with that wacky music they're always playing. Huh?

Frankie was over the top (like always), and the kids have shown absolutely no emotional growth whatsoever. Axl is still the same dimbulb he was in the first episode, Sue is just as silly and indecisive as in the first episode, and Brick is still the strange misfit who looks terrified whenever faced with a social situation. And his girlfriend is just incredibly annoying. I just want to reach up and rip those stupid things off her head and throw a bowlful of shrimp at her.

So, Sue wants to be a Theater major, and Frankie's trying to dissuade her. Why? I'd think Theatre would be a perfect fit for Sue. Certainly not "sports medicine" or "Psychology." That's just ridiculous. Apparently, the next few episodes will show her struggling with her decision about a major and a "back-up," which will be full of "Sue moments" where she freaks and talks a blue streak. Then we'll have Axl's girlfriend, who will eventually tell him he's too dumb FOR HER, so that will end. And Brick, well, what can be said. He's a freshman in high school who looks like a munchkin with 5 o'clock shadow. Go figure.

And why was Mike so anxious for Sue to arrive back home? That seemed very odd. And I never knew leaves fell in Indiana at the very beginning of September!


It wasn't a very funny episode. And I felt like we've already seen this before only it was funnier the first time.


The episode annoyed me. Normally I love this show, but tonight was just bad.

-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-


It just seemed flat, like a deflated party balloon. And you're right, we have seen ALL of this before: Frankie trying to make a point when nobody's listening; the odd and not-so-endearing "significant others" for the kids, Mike being Mike; all of them around the kitchen table (but not eating take-out, that's weird); and even weirder, the casserole dish that never diminished in content, no matter how many plates were filled! And, of course, we get Mike being grumpy with the new boyfriend (shades of Darrin).

I know there's a Middle template, and the writers rarely--if EVER--sway from that, but after seven seasons, the spice is gone. It's like biting into a pizza and realizing some ingredient was left out, and it just tastes dull and blah. I mean, we all know that Brick is weird--that's been driven into our collective consciousness since the first episode 7 years ago--so do we really need ANOTHER social situation where he demonstrates just how weird he is? Where's the development of the character? Outside of the styled hair, there apparently isn't any. As for Sue, it's the same thing. Once again, she's faced with a dilemma. Should she choose from column A or column B? Or maybe something from A and something from B, with a little C thrown in? Gawd! How MANY times have we seen this scenario? It's old, people, old and creaky.

As for Axl, the assorted girlfriends that appear and disappear in his life have grown very, very tiresome. Either they're too good for him or they're bimbos. How many has he had over the years? And no mention, outside of a throwaway line, that he's a college senior?

Don't get me wrong, I liked the Middle, but I haven't really liked it much since season five. That's when things started going south for me. And it's just gotten worse and worse. I really do think his will be the last season for the Middle. I also watched American Housewife afterward and thought it was terrible. I predict that by February, the Tuesday night line-up will be seriously tweaked, and we might even see The Middle moved back to its Wednesday spot--where it should've stayed.


I don't know. I watched it twice just to make sure I might have missed something.

I didn't think it was that bad. This episode was right on par with practically everything we've seen in the last two seasons.

It certainly wasn't a great episode, there were interesting moments particularly the somewhat heated exchange between Mike and Jeremy.

I like Mike and always have. He's the least cartoony of the bunch.

And his girlfriend is just incredibly annoying. I just want to reach up and rip those stupid things off her head and throw a bowlful of shrimp at her.

Cindy is dead weight. I detest her. She has surpassed Matt as the most annoying recurring character in the eight seasons thus far.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the Middle, but I haven't really liked it much since season five.

Absolutely correct!

To me this show is more like comfort food, but as you suggested there's something missing in the ingredients of the product served now.

After the last two bummer seasons...I expected, what I got. But I'll still eat it.

As for "American Housewife", wow...holy sh** was that awful television!


Abc didn't move The Middle to Tuesday for it to be the last season. They moved it to help out the struggling night. No matter how low The Middle goes, it'll still be the highest rated Tues show on abc.


I know why it was moved, and you're exactly right. They're hoping to shore up a weak Tuesday night schedule. But I predict that the schedule will falter, and by January or February, we'll be seeing a shake-up. At least one or maybe two of the shows will be cancelled--American Housewife and The Real O'Neals. I also predict ratings for The Middle will plummet, not only because ABC decided to put it up against the #1 rated series on broadcast television (NCIS) but when you start moving shows around (especially on different days), it tends to confuse people and oftentimes leads to cancellation. Plus, it doesn't help that The Middle is in its 8th season, is creaky in the joints, and has lost a LOT of its charm. So, I'll make this prediction right now: it'll be the last season for The Middle. And I also have a sneaking feeling that ABC will move it back to Wednesdays, since The Goldbergs isn't doing so hot as the anchor show.

Just my predictions. We'll see how it all plays out.


The Middle just tied NCIS.


That won't last, not with The Voice thrown in there, too. And did you notice the # of viewers for NCIS? It's double the amount for The Middle.

All of this does not bode well for Tuesday night. American Housewife scored big for the premiere, but it'll slowly die, and Fresh off the Boat and the Real O'Neals are already getting the life support ready.

I stand by my predictions.


The Middle just tied NCIS.

This site is showing The Middle was half of what NCIS had.



OVERALL in viewers, yes...but in the "desired demographic" of 18-49 year old viewers, The Middle tied with NCIS. The big winner for the night was NBC's line-up. Looks like they're making a big comeback, after being in the toilet for so long.


Ah, ok, "desired demo".


Barring contracts or a ratings free fall, I do not see a scenario where this isn't renewed one more year. ABC has two comedies likely to go already and that will give them room for next year's crop. Plus, ABC will need one more year to sure up the new shows into stable hits.


What are the two comedies "likely to go?"


Most likely Last Man Standing and Dr. Ken.


My thoughts,

I still like the show. At the same time, I agree with the others who say that the character developments never seem to change or grow into something different. The personalities of all the main characters are the same as they were back in season one.

Maybe that is a good thing, or at least, that is what the writers think. The viewers have identified with these people for seven seasons, and maybe they believe that if new developments occur, than The Middle could lose its identity.

Many agree that you can only take so many story-lines with the same charactors to a certain extent. When the writers try for change, it becomes very inconsistent and apprehensive. Examples would be Axl's football scholarship even though we never see him play, and I think maybe we see him briefly on the sidelines at one game? Axl's inconsistency with his grades. From a failing student to a B student? When the writers try for change on The Middle, they appear to lose continuity.

I loved the tension in the episode about Axl's graduation party between him and Frankie. But than, the writers go for this "Little House on the Prairie" ending with "How about a picture with just me and Mom?" Remember their famous fight on the lawn, where Frankie is trying to force Axl to wear dress socks to graduation? Where was the logical transition between Axl's animosity against her in that episode? Probably the most intense, ever, to "How about a picture with Mom and Me, alone?"

The same can almost be said with Axl and Sue. There are episodes where they are ready to kill each other, and than near the end, you will see Axl being nice to Sue, helping her, going out for pizza. I think Axl the jerk and Axl the insulter, is funnier than "let's have Axl be nice," because we really need a "And they all lived happily ever after story-line."

If the writers could keep the characters and personalities consistent and uniform, no reason why the show could not move ahead to more seasons. Too early to judge Axl's girlfriend April. She does seem nice, and there are "dumb blondes" who became sitcom legends. Look at Kelly Bundy from Married With Children! Maybe if they keep April as a nice sensitive person, her being "not the sharpest tool in the shed" could still work.

Let's see what happens.



You make some great points! And it's obvious you've been watching The Middle for a long time. Welcome to the board! 😀


The Middle has decent ratings, but I'm actually surprised it doesn't do better. It's heavily syndicated just like Big Bang Theory and is of similar quality. Except (IMO) The Middle hasn't fallen off in recent seasons like BBT.


It's also one of the very few shows that the whole family can watch because the language isn't rough and they tend to stay away from more adult themes and situations.


Love your avatar and name!


Thank you!


Its been like this for a few seasons now like many other shows these days its just something i put on in the background while doing something else rather than watch it
