Your most regretful deaths

What characters did you feel most sad about when they died? Obviously, except Spartacus. For me, it was Donar (I really liked this character, can't say why though) and Lugo.


Varro- who didn't shed a tear when Spartacus was ordered to end his life. Mira- felt bad for her. All she wanted was Spartacus' affection. Oenomaus- after forgiving Gannicus, his final words ''we'll see you in the afterlife my brother'' was truly moving. Gannicus- who was pretty much a lone wolf and egoist for much of the series, ended up sacrificing his own life to buy time for the others to escape. His crucifixion was both heartbreaking and awe-inspiring. Spartacus- drew his final breath telling his friends not to cry because he would die a free man.
In a different capacity, I was sorry to see Batiatus go. The show was just not the same without him. Check out- Batiatus funny quotes on you tube!


Varro, Sura and Mira.


Varro - Because of the way it was all set-up by Illythia and Spartacus was the one being forced to do it.

Diona (Naevia's friend from Gods of the Arena) - She ended up being violated by that creep Cossutius and her punishment for trying to escape was brutal.

I forget the character's name, but the slave who was brutally tortured for amusement at the party in Vengeance. Oh man, that scene was rough.


Good Cossutius

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


Oenomaus mainly because I felt like he could have been utilized in the last season and from what he was they seemed to make him overly weak against the Egyptian.

I get that the Egyptian was strong and Oenomaus was older but as doctore he gave plenty of strategy which to paraphrase: "when faced with a stronger opponenent...etc."


Gannicus. He longed for victory, battle, honour, and blood & sword. He gave everything for the cause in the end. If there was one person who truly deserved a honourable and glorious death in the field of battle, it was the God of the arena. It was absolutely shattering to see what happened to him. Beig crucified, then slowly falling away.




Oenamus wife or Kore.The first was a sweet woman. Most of the others broke either a law of the Romans an unjust law but still law so you could expect them to die or had taken up weapons for a good or not so good reason but still.Oenamus wife (forgot the name) just wanted to be happy.


Probably Gannicus, though losing Ilithyia/Lucretia crushed me too since I loved those two as villains 
