Kate Mulgrew

I can't believe they have Captain Janeway on the show and they limit her to like one minute of screentime each ep.


Tell me about it. They need to utilize her more. Unless Kate Mulgrew is satisfied with just collecting a paycheck for her 2 or 3 lines.


Same here I thought that they were going to use her more. Since she is a big star WTF???


Is she playing Veronica's mom or step-mom? She calls her Jeannie, so I wasn't sure. They look enough alike to play mother and daughter. They'll probably give her a bigger role as this alzheimers storyline progresses.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


She plays the mom and yes they do look like.
I loved the line when Kate said that she only drinks when she is being social. Classic!!!!


Maybe its just me, but she's getting more to do in the way of acting in those one minute shots, then all of Voyager. This is her best work since Ryan's Hope.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.



I'm just going to go ahead and say it, I am watching this STUPID, BANAL show simply to see the glory and beauty and awesomeness that is Kate Mulgrew. Gods, what a waste of a talented actress. Even if she has kinda let that tumtum go, she is still the absolute sheet.

"Are you telling me your into artificial men??!"
"Is there any other kind?"


You are not the only one as a Trekiie she was the reason the only reason I can get my Captain Janeway fix but damn who is ever writing this script needs to giver her more of a role.

I can't flex the golden pipes?


I don't get this show - they have a NO-NAME playing Veronica - and the chick can't even act. She doesn't even move her face or show any emotion whatsoever. And then they have Mulgrew and Trachtenberg in bit roles (although Chloe is getting more screen time). This show is headed for the *beep*


I completely agree. I would have loved to see her character more, but at least she's on something. I know that she enjoys the stage but I miss her on t.v. Anyway I do love her character on this show, it's fun to see her play a total lush. I also thought the way she handled the Alzheimer parts was wonderful.
