MovieChat Forums > Mercy (2009) Discussion > WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! WE S...




I agree that we need to try something. It should at least have another season.


[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Bob WrightVice Chairman and Executive Officer, GEChairman and Chief Executive Officer, NBC Universal
Headquarters30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 664-4444Fax: (201) 583-5453

Jeff ZuckerPresident, NBC Universal Television Group
Headquarters30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 664-4444Fax: (201) 583-5453
Neal Shapiro -- NBC News
NBC News PresidentHeadquarters30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (212) 664-4444Fax: (201) 583-5453

David Verdi -- NBC News
Executive News Director
Headquarters30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (212) 664-4444Fax: (201) 583-5453
Bill Wheatley -- NBC News
News Vice President - PlanningHeadquarters30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (212) 664-3882Fax: (201) 583-5453


Start your engines guys...e-mail and write like crazy...I know I will!


- 4.007 million viewers
- 2.7/4 HH
- 1.1/3 A18-49

Any TV executive will look at the final ratings of Wednesday's season finale and say Mercy is finished. I've no doubt there's a passionate fan base. That base is just too small.


Go figure....I mean some people aren't always home to watch,when I miss an episode I am on the next morning to watch....they should take the online viewers into consideration as well, not just base their cancellation on an "off" week.

The execs at NBC are jerk-offs, I mean they just won't get it until they have another Conan/Leno fiasco, guess they should listen to the ACTUAL viewers afterall.....just wait until next fall when the majority of their pilots fail!


I emailed USA...I'm pretty sure that NBC is stupid and stubborn, so maybe we can go to another network to see if they will pick up the show. They CANNOT end on that episode. Seriously!


Thanks for the addresses krazycherry2002

I emailed USA
I think it should be USA that we're emailing and petitioning; not NBC.

Anyone want to come up with some form letters that we can print out and send in?


Whats the email addy for USA?

100% Dreamer

"Save the Foster Child, Save the World" .... Life Unexpected ... WATCH IT!


Whats the email addy for USA?
I'm not sure


I would do something to convince someone to keep this show on somewhere.


No noone wants to understand that seriously i think that this show was set up by nbc just to fail as a show but cover an open time slot, which is unfair to the show and the fans. see you put mercy on 8pm on wednesdays - if ur a tv exec you know that slot is for the critically acclaimed high rated big shows who arent worried about flaky viewers bc they already have contracts with networks and solid fan base. new shows however need boosting by their networks and good spots to work out. best spot for pilots are either 9 or 10 pm always following a regular network show. ive played this game, i know how it works. another thing that bugs me - there was absolutely no promotion for this show either than michelle trachtenberg on rachael ray talking about it for 50 seconds. they should have properly introduced their stars especially bc u gotta a cast of newbies, unknowns, rookies, and actors whove been in the biz and just havent broken out yet. so basicly they had one know actor carrying an entire show when they should have strategized and promoted the show with talk shows, promos, ,morning shows, billboards, anything! Taylor Schilling should have been the front runner of this execution bc she is the title character not chloe.
then another thing- nbc up n moves it to 9pm wed- which is crazy! cuz its up against idol and criminal minds - everybody knows cbs always dominates the ratings charts. i just think this show should get a second season and this time the right way- with proper actor intros mag covers, billboards, late night talks show the whole shananigan.
and if nbc wont reconsider we have to somehow convince the creator to shop it around. come on guys lets show nbc what promotion really is!


I just know that I'm not giving it up without a fight, I'm gonna email everyday.


you and i both! we are not going down without a fight! were gonna boycott them, were gonna email them and were gonna demand a season 2!


I'm sending emails twice a day in a week I will start three a day. I will not be silent


it's kind of interesting to go to all the forums of all the cancelled shows and see them complain that their poorly rated shows have been cancelled. No network in its right mind would pick up a show with 4 million viewers.


I think that Mercy's showing the REAL New Jersey. Not House New Jersey, Soprano's New Jersey or Jersey Shore New Jersey. But working middle class hero New Jersey people.

I think we should get a class action law suit againist NBC for not wanting to show REAL Jersey!!!!


I will second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mercy is the most raw, honest, and relevant show ive seen in years. It represents everything going on this country today. The war, a boom in nursing majors, people, hospitals, ptsd, veterans, real life, its hard ships. Mercy doesnt sugar coat anything. Tells you how and what it is. And the title is perfect bc its such a huge IRONY to the show. The characters are not made up. Its like they could be real people, they are. People these days dont want fake hospital romances or miracle surgeries- they want to see reality. And the reality is that this country isnt doing so great right, that we are at war, and that we have veterans millions of them battling ptsd. We have robberies,and we have people with real problems drinking them away. ANd more importantly we have people who die every single day who dont survive surgery or any treatment. Mercy paints real life in front of us. its really what they say ART imitating LIFE. And thats what people want. No one wants to see a bunch of rich doctors having sex in a closet when they should be treating patients. People want to see Veronica and Sonia, and Chloe ride the rollercoaster of life.


heres a petition i made myself at go petition


Guys, I love this show and I appreciate the mass emailing to save the show I and I love the support but I have to put up a stop sign and let you in on something. Whoeer said email USA Network, not going to work. USA Network is Owned by NBC as is ScyFy and Sleuth a long with MSNBC, CNBC ect. Our best bet is to boycott NBC and NBC owned networks as well as emailing NBC in response to this stipid move. Let I remind you NBC canceled Star Trek The Original Series only for many Star Trek Shows and seasons of those shows to be shown on CBS and CBS owned networks. If we want a Season two we email NBC and we email ABC, FOX and any other networks that we can and hope that they will snatch up what clearly is a great show. Mercy has an outstanding cast but was shown in a time slot and night that it was asking for death,it had to go up against American Idol.


um, thewriter589 The ONLY thing that made any sense in what you said is there should be more shows about nurses. We're on the frontlines far more than doctors these days. But to call this show:
"Tells you how and what it is"
"The characters are not made up. Its like they could be real people"
"Mercy paints real life in front of us"

Is totally laughable. As a REAL RN Mercy was the most unrealistic piece of fiction I've ever seen. The characters were totally made up and nothing lie real hospital workers, the things and procedures they did were totally inaccurate. It was a good show for the character development, but The characters are 100% made up, and far from raw and honest to what it's like to be an RN. You want to know what it's really like watch old episodes of ER or tune into ABC's "Boston Med".

We all would laugh at this show in the break room the next day at how ridiculous the and unrealistic the characters and the scenarios were. You guys (the general population) may have liked it. But it was just a goofy very inaccurate show. If what you are in fact looking for is Raw and real, I seriously suggest picking up on "Boston Med", the show is so raw and honest i feel like I'm at work and not getting paid when i watch it. After you watch that you'll get a better idea of how far off Mercy was.

It's ok to like a movie, ok to love a movie, when you obsess about it I question your sanity.


I have started a facebook group to bring Mercy back

Here is a link!/pages/Bring-back-Mercy/123126054388242

I also have other links on the page, that way we can sign everything that is out there for Mercy.


I started a facebook group in order to bring Mercy back.

There are also other links on the page in order to sign other petitions, this way we can really show we care.

Here is a link!!/pages/Bring-back-Mercy/123126054388242
