Do you agree

That this season has really gotten "soapy"?...
The story lines have lost their way.
I liked it more when their was some action and mystery, rather than who was sleeping with who.
We come back this season to the kid Duncan who backstabbed Andy and acted like a coward is now everyone's friend? He's now the class clown trying to get into Chloe's pants?
What happened to Rookie Blue? They seem to be depending on shots of Andy in her bra, way too much...


01. I agree with you. All crimes lead 'personally' back to one of the main characters, like the stalker episodes. Maybe the writers watch Stalker and it gave them an idea.

02. Better sets and more on outside location scenes are needed for police-work. The office is getting old.

03. I like the mystique with character, Juliet Ward. Who is she really? I hope the writers have something solid developing with her & the mystery man in the car. So far we know she is savvy on computer, not just in the field. It makes me think she is either there to plant or expunge records, or investigate someone in the department. She obviously reports to someone else. That is the real mystery & story of the season.

04. Much of the romance should be thinned out & left off camera so that it is Rookie Blue, instead of Rookie Romance.

05. The show could use a good shock that no one saw coming. I haven't seen any on this show yet.


I would like that too... Not that I "personally" hate any of the characters but say, Tracy escaping captivity completely unscathed was so stupid. I'd like to see someone, anyone offend in a manner that would bring realism to the show.
I think that gal is an Internal Affairs "plant"...
The show has really dropped off my must watch list...
Try the new one "Complications" for a better crime drama...


A good shock I didn't see coming was Jerry's death. I know some fans expected it, because the actor probably said something about playing other parts in some interviews, but I didn't watch the cast so closely. I only watched the show, I wasn't up to date with who signed for the next season and whatnot. So when it happened, I was genuinely shocked. I would've never seen it coming, in a million years.


Many shows are ruined once they start bed hopping, like every show. old school ER to Bones. They hook you in with stories medical, legal or mystery then switcheroo to soap sex opera.



I hope you get a chance to see the new show called Complications...
So far it is really good. No "bed hopping" , yet, at least... Best regards...


Too much Andy.
