MovieChat Forums > Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2012) Discussion > why is it that films like this almost al...

why is it that films like this almost always get a limited

world wide release? Doesn't studios blieve that a film like this is good enough??

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1 its bout fishin

2 middle easternerz portrayed as normal ppl and not terroristz

3 its somewat slow

4 its cliched

5 da main actorz spk in funnie accentz

6 there is no twist in da end

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


^ truest.


because not enough people want to watch them.


I think it's because most of the viewing public lean toward being imbeciles; they want to go see "blockbuster" hits that have midnight openings where they can line up like lemmings to see a movie with a lousy story, lots of violence and special effects, etc.


yes but remember thats because the majority of the viewing public are teenagers.


This is true, but plenty of adults seem to get caught up in the frenzy as well.


And/or retards like Flatley. This is the third account I've seen that moron using.


I don't know about other filmgoing nations, but films "like this" aren't made much in the U.S.A. at all, and filmgoers in the U.S.A. don't turn out much for films from other countries. We simply don't buy the tickets in great numbers, so it wouldn't make much sense to book it into many theaters. In Phoenix, Arizona, the nation's fifth-largest city, for instance, there are perhaps three movie houses where this film would play in its initial run. (And that's counting in the suburbs.)


Because most of the audience wants gunfights and car chases.

I can't even watch movies like that anymore -- and I once loved them. My preferences have changed SO MUCH with age.

I loved this movie.


Yet The King's Speech was a huge financial success, I think so many of these films that no one sees just don't have the advertising gamble behind them.


It's just too bad because I really enjoyed it. Actual storytelling thru film rarely translates to making money hand over fist, which is why the blockbusters get all the advertising and wide releases.
