MovieChat Forums > Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2012) Discussion > How to not turn a book into a film (Spoi...

How to not turn a book into a film (Spoilers from the book)

So there's a good way to turn a book into a film... and then there is s**t like this.
First 15 minutes: Just like the book.
First 30 minutes: Just like the book.
First hour: 95% exactly the book down to almost every line of dialogue.
After ~1hour: Change ALL THE THINGS!

I honestly cannot imagine anyone who has read the novel to like this film. Either someone rewrote the whole second part of the film to "suit a larger audience" or whatever or Hallström just went completely bananas after just copy+pasting from the book just like he did in Hachiko (from the original film that time) and decided that he wanted his own better spin on it.
The result: a dull Hollywood ending that fails to capture the whole essence of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.
I can understand that you might have to make some changes to a novel like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, being an adult tale but a children's film but can the majority of audiences not handle DEATH.... in a film? Why oh why change the PM to the FS when he is still going to live? Why oh why must they fall in love? Why oh why must it end in a success?
I would have understood if they changed some minor things but not everything about it.
After all it's not a dark novel we are taking from here, it just doesn't end with rainbows, unicorns and sunshine.
If you can't be arsed to write your own script or buy a good script from somewhere then at least have the decency to make it justice. I hope Hallström feels as ashamed of this as I feel being his countryman...



Holy crap thank you for this comment. I hadn't read the book but based on the movie I was not planning in it until your comments.

I think I will like this book since I very much enjoyed the first hour but to me the ending seemed waaaaay too schmaltzy.

The beginning of the movie had such crisp dialogue. So wonderful. The ending was inevitable and disappointing which sounds very different from the book now.

The author should give you some commission from her next sale becyase I'm buying it now after you indicated its ending isn't the one from the movie! Thank you.


I haven't read the book, Xco, nor do I intend to after your post. But a question for you. Do you think the demographic makeup of those who read books is precisely the same as the demographic makeup of those who go to see movies?

If the demographics of the 2 populations are exactly the same, then you have an excellent point. If we are talking about different audiences, however, then it is unrealistic to demand that the plot of the movie follow to the letter the plot of the book.

Movies are made for many reasons, but as I understand it, almost all are made in the hope that they will return a profit on the studio's investment.

Tout homme a deux pays, le sien et puis la France.


The two demographics were probably quite different, you're right. Since I just picked it at random at home I cannot tell for sure though :).
I am just not a fan of adaptations of scripts from books when these lose the entire feel of the original intention.
Adding and removing things, obviously. But when you're changing the mood entirely to fit the audience, then it is only an adaptation in name, not in spirit.

In this case I feel it almost dishonest as I, and I'm sure others, were not expecting a mediocre love story with the ending (and therefore the entire sense of the book) completely flipped.


would you mind spoiling it for me in spoiler tags
just a question what happens actually with harriet and robert ?
its just seems so odd that she got over him so quickly after crying her heart out over his death
and i was quite pleasantly surprise that there was no romantic inclinations between her and dr jones and then pff thats completetely turned on its head

and i totally disliked them bringing the guy from near death experience in afghanistan to participate in that sham in the desert and witness his girlfriend chose another guy over him

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments..." sonnet 116


I agree they should've followed the main plot of the novel for this movie. It sounds like a more interesting movie.
