MovieChat Forums > The Deep End (2010) Discussion > I'm officially taking this off my DVR li...

I'm officially taking this off my DVR list

It's just so bad.

Who's with me?



It was really, really bad.


We're done with it, too. It's just really, really dull.

"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad


Jumping to conclusions,aren't you folks?????


no. Do you understand what the phrase "jumping to conclusions" means?

We've watched 3 or 4 episodes now, however many have been shown, and find it boring and the characters are unappealing. You win some, you lose some.

"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad


Many people keep saying "give it a chance," or "don't jump to conclusions."
Several of my friends and I watched this show because we will be in a first associate setting fairly soon... but anybody that's even studied law, met lawyers, and worked in clinics/firms in the summer knows that this is complete crap. It's not about "giving it a chance" because it's only 3 episodes in... the problem is it's entire premise, the entire way the script is written and the characters are framed is garbage. The over-sexed charm guy with the accent that sleeps with clients? The 'evil' dark managing partner that makes comments like "screw firefighters with cancer'? The conflict of interest with representing one client who's interests are adverse to another client's? It's just all ridiculous rubbish that gives you no insight into law firms whatsoever... instead it perpetuates extremely irresponsible stereotypes and notions of the legal profession in the minds of viewers.... and it presents flat characters. Seriously people, these characters are a joke...hackneyed, cliche characters delivering hackneyed cliche lines... do you really think normal people even talk or behave this way?

And come on, the daughter whose father is a prominent legal figure/ex-judge and he tells his daughter she's not ruthless enough? What a load of crap! Or the all-too cliche and corny scene of the little wimpy voiced associate saying "No, give me respect, I'm a damn good lawyer!" [you've been working for 1 week, yes, I'm sure you're a fantastic lawyer!] and the senior associate SUDDENLY being so impressed... "oh wow, that just told me you have spine, what a strong person you are, come onto my huge case now"

I can't believe these scenes didn't come off as insulting to your intelligence?


I used to work for a law firm and I think the episodes are more interesting than the daily life of the lawyers I knew. I quit because the job was so boring.

I love Jesus, but I drink a little.


so far i think it's getting better every week.

i'm proud to admit to never have watched a "reality" tv program!


Oh I know. The writing is awful. I watched 4 episodes of it.. I watched tonight's and this is my last episode to watch.


I don't know; I'm giving it a shot. I sat and watched 4 eps last night on the dvr, myself. We'll see how it pans out.

Magic and the science world collide; Einstein saw you lookin' at me and joined your side.
