MovieChat Forums > The Deep End (2010) Discussion > What's with the Extremely Young Actresse...

What's with the Extremely Young Actresses?

The actress who plays Addy Fisher is only 23 in real life - that's barely old enough to be a first year law student, let alone a first year associate. And the actress who plays Beth Brandford is only 21 - not even old enough to be in law school. Could they really not find 26 year old actresses?

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


thats hollywood for you, they have 20 year olds playing 30 year olds and 30 year olds playing 20 year olds.


The girl that plays beth doesn't look 21, IMO she looks 25ish. But their real life ages don't matter as long as they play the parts well.

And just because 22 is the "normal" age to graduate from college, doesn't mean that a 21 year old is "not old enough" to be a law school student. Maybe they're overachievers or fast learners. There are several people (myself included) at my little private university of 500 students who have graduated or will graduate before they're even 21. It's not that uncommon anymore with homeschooling and people being able to get college credit while still in highschool.

Everyone knows I'm in over my head....but I don't really care


Yeah,Tina(Addy)will be 25 in a few days.....Leah(Beth)won't be 22 till August,I
do believe!!!


Leah/Beth is only 21? She looks really close to 30.

Vic Mackey: "God creates all men equal. Out of the womb, he starts playing favorites."


I was 20 when I graduated...I finished in the normal 4 years, but I have an october bday.
