Sign the Petition

Please if you dont want The Deep End cancelled go to this website... and signed the petition at the end of the page.


I always get a kick out of petitions like these. While you're at it, why not sign a petition for free pizza, no taxes, and all-the-sex-you-want-on-Thursdays.

To quote from the movie, "Man on the Moon", it's "Show Business". Like most businesses, this is a business whose goal is to make money. Apparently, no one is willing to budget the money to make another episode. So, if you're willing to front some of the cost of making another episode, they just might do it for you. I'll bet if you put up as little as 15%, they would make another episode.


lol all the sex you want!! if you want that get married


I tried that once. It went from once or twice daily to once or twice monthly.


Good one!


No... that's called stay single. Everyone knows marriage equals the end of sex.
