LOVE the show

What is it with people on here? The show is very funny. Kelsey Grammer is one of the funniest people around and his show deserves to be given a chance. Remember when Friends started? It almost got cancelled.

Everyone on there is very funny and they actually look like a family as opposed to some shows where they don't even look like they are from the same planet.

If you don't like the show, watch something else and move on. Stop trying to sink a show that you haven't even watched for more than 5 minutes.


I agree. It's a good, clean, family show. Kelsey Grammer is very talented. I think it is the best show on ABC Comedy Wednesday!

reply least it's not full of cursing and nudity and/or violence like other shows that unfortunately little kids are able to watch without parents's trying to be a family show and trying to be funny..give it a break


i totally agree..some people really have no idea what good tv is anymore..I'm not saying you have to love Hank..I am a huge Grammer fan and I don't absolutely love it but I think it's really good and has potential. And he even knows Frasier Crane was the best thing he did in his was iconic..hands down. but it's hard to climb back up that ladder and I think people should give it a chance without analyzing it so much..if you don't like it, leave it alone, turn to something else, but don't bash it entirely..there are some funny moments and there isn't a person out there who can honestly say they have watched every episode in its' entirety and never even giggled once. it is not horrible..there are much worse.

and the thing with Friends is true.
