MovieChat Forums > Flashforward (2009) Discussion > Who is your favorite character?

Who is your favorite character?

Mine is Simon, then Demitri.

Simon is the best acted in my opinion. Mark's character gets on my nerves for some reason.


1.) Simon Campos
2.) Demitri Noh
3.) Lloyd Simcoe
4.) Janice Hawk
5.) Bryce Varley
6.) Olivia Benford
7.) Aaron Stark
8.) Stanford Wedeck
9.) Tracey Stark
10.) Mark Benford

I really liked the cast (even to an extent Joseph Fiennes' Mark Benford), and I think this show really got the shaft. It had so many exciting possibilities but squandered them with bad writing starting out. I thought by the second half they had finally found their footing, and the network would give them a second chance to prove themselves. Sadly, that wasn't the case...

Last Film Seen:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (10/10)



Mark Benford FTW! Second is Lloyd Simcoe.

The Dark Knight Rises Summer 2012!


the guy who was also gauis baltar in gallactica.

watch everything you like, dont like everything you watch.


Lloyd and Simon. By far!


Keiko .. =)

"the time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted"


Keiko .. =)

"the time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted"



My favorite character is Mark Benford.

He is gentle and soulful, and not just very easy on the eyes, he is passionate, driven and intelligent.

He's the glue that holds the whole story, the investigation and all, together.

There are a lot of great characters in FlashForward and a lot of very talented actors playing the roles, but Mark Benford (Joseph Fiennes) is the best.

The stuff dreams are made of. !:]


Simon is by far my favorite character! I think out of all the characters on the show he has the most depth and isn't one-dimensional. My favorite episode is the two parter when you find out he is Suspect Zero.

I also really like Janis, Dimitry, Aaron & Bryce!
