MovieChat Forums > Flashforward (2009) Discussion > Canceling this was a sin!

Canceling this was a sin!

This and Terra Nova were among the best recent shows. It is unbelievable that they got canceled.


I never saw this, but I plan to catch it online. However I agree with you about Terra Nova. I somehow knew that TN wasn't going to last, and I was right. They said it was too expensive to film, but I found it exciting. They cancelled it, then somebody brought Revolution, which seems a similar type of show. Now there's also Under the Dome. I hear the latter is good, but I'm tired of jumping on the band wagon of new shows and then they get cancelled. I hear UtD is good though. I stopped watching Revolution because the protagonist, the young girl, was annoying the daylights out of me! lol

RIP Lee Thompson Young. Too young and gone too soon!


I watched one or two episodes of series such as Revolution and Continuum and deleted. Pure garbage.

I'll try Under the Dome.

- He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you about him?


I watched the whole season of Under the Dome. It was fantastic! And there's no character I despised like the girl in Revolution. Well not dislike but she annoyed me. The characters in UtD are really good and it was very interesting. Can't wait for season 2. Hope you watched it.

This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. LOL


Now that you've seen UTD season 2... do you still "love" the show?


Please don't compare that crap of a show Terra Nova to FlashForward.
