MovieChat Forums > Flashforward (2009) Discussion > wait,what??? it is cancelled?

wait,what??? it is cancelled?

i just finished watching the first episode.
in holland,they started airing it this month with double episodes,so i thought i have a lot to catch up.
it is really intersting and by the look of this board,there are a lot of fans.
so,why is it cancelled ?



So true, this how had all the premises to be a good show, but the acting made me cringe...that being said, I don't think it was the actor's fault, but more the director's and the writer's fault. The script was poorly written and I can't believe a director would let his actor's be so cheesy all the time.

And seriously, if your husband just announced he survived a bazooka attack in a parking lot and you're only worry is your flash forward, then you're either a really egocentric bitch or the directing was just *beep*



Unfortunately, you are right. He doesn't.


nor do you have any friends whatsoever...

"in this world there's two kinds of people ... those with loaded guns, and those who dig."


It is a big shame that you are committed to do more than one season and then you make a season final which leaves bigger questions at the end becasue you will releave more things, but you don't make Season 2. It is plain irresponsbility and disrespect to the shows fans. You sell them out for ratings (money). Shame on you ABC. It is already a while that I don't watch ABC at all any longer but also next time I rent a TV Show, I will make sure it isn't ABC.

Anyone interested to see this TV Show: Don't! Not because it isn't good. It is great. But you won't have a final.

My blog, Best Robbery / Heist Movies


that is too bad,but what do you think?
should i watch it,or i will be wasting with time?


waste of time


Seriously? The acting isn't the best, but this was the first season. It catches on. And I don't think it was a bad job overall. Considering they don't make shows with concepts like these everyday, I wouldn't call it dump. Not in a hundred years. Waste of time is coming to a FlashForward forum and calling it a waste of time when How I Met Your Mother keeps renewing itself.


do you judge yourself this hard?

watch everything you like, dont like everything you watch.



the show averaged 8 million viewers per episode in the USA; however, the networks prefer that expensive prime-time dramas average around 12 million, as they can charge more for ad space.

also, the show started out with strong ratings, however, the first 7 or 8 episodes weren't really all that great, so the show lost a lot of viewers. however, the series switched show-runners/producers and totally reworked the series and it got way, way better towards the end.

i read somewhere (i apologise for not having a source) that the network was planning on either cutting "v" or "flashforward" (as the ratings for "v" were only a hair better), but they decided to keep with "v" because they thought that show had more passionate fans.

that's part of why you'll see a lot of "v" fans trolling on this board, as if its some kind of "us vs. them" deal.

i personally think that sci-fi fans should be delighted if a sci-fi show survives and upset if it doesn't, regardless if it meets their standards or not, simply because its very rare for one to be on a major network. especially when you compare them to how many crime scene or medical dramas there are.


I think you had the best intentions when you wrote that post, SherlockVonEinstein, but some of your points are just plain ridiculous, sorry.

i read somewhere (i apologise for not having a source) that the network was planning on either cutting "v" or "flashforward" (as the ratings for "v" were only a hair better), but they decided to keep with "v" because they thought that show had more passionate fans.

Both shows deserved to be cancelled ratings-wise. The only reason ABC didn't cancel both was because it would be like a public confession that all their new dramas from the previous tv seasons had failed (this is about reputation). So they kept the one show that did slightly better in the ratings (higher and more stable ratings) and received better critical reception - "V". A perfectly reasonable decision. It had nothing to do with "V" fans being more "passionate".

i personally think that sci-fi fans should be delighted if a sci-fi show survives and upset if it doesn't, regardless if it meets their standards or not, simply because its very rare for one to be on a major network.

That statement - and i'm sorry if I sound harsh here - is just plain retarded and ridiculous.

The sole reasons us sci-fi fans appreciate these shows is because there's usually a lot more thought and attention put into them. They really try to make a point, to tell a compelling story and to be just plain art (at best), unlike the countless crome shows and medical dramas which simply try to feed the masses with tv "junk food". So to claim that a sci-fi fan should accept ANY sci-fi - no matter how low the quality - goes against the very point why we ARE sci-fi fans. Because we like substance. Because we like to think and contemplate. Because we like art.

Again, i'm sorry if I sound harsh here but what you are doing here is to give the networks a free pass to produce cheap and plain bad sci-fi shows. To commercialise sci-fi for the masses. And that's one of the reasons why FF failed by the way. Because it tried to sell as many complelling sci-fi ideas and concepts as possible without properly exploring them. A good sci-fi show takes less sci-fi elements and philosophies and explores them as thouroughly as possible.

To sum this up, I'd rather have one good sci-fi show every five years than five bad sci-fi shows every year. Quality > Quantity.


in regards to what i read about "passionate fans," that's simply what i read. regardless if that's the legit reason or not, i was just reposting a quasi-offical response i came across.

in regards to everything else you said, i 100% agree. especially, the part about me giving the networks a pass to make crappy sci-fi shows. why? because, in my opinion, there has never been a truly good network sci-fi show. most have been "acceptible" at best. now don't get me wrong, i was a big fan of "lost" and "the x-files," and you can bet money that i'll catch the new season of "fringe," but they were/are all plagued with glaring problems, simply because of the nature of network television. it's a business and the best way to capitalize off their investment is to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

now, if the syfy network decides to grow some balls, quit being ashamed of its label, cancel wrestling and ghost hunting shows, and start faithfully adapting philip k. dick and alfred bester novels or create original programming with the assistance of someone like greg bear, then i may chage my tune about what's possible for television.

(sorry for the poor sentence structure. i tend to be lazy about editting on message boards...)


Awesome. I don't get the wrestling and ghost hunting crud either. I hate that they put their money into cheesy movies instead development of actual sci-fi series or making the ones they have stronger.


Well, Sherlock I agree with your logic versus some here that think they speak for all who enjoy the genre.


What about Lost at first people were not watching it, but over time people loved it. They should of given FF time.

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan



You mean at first people loved it but then it got awful after season 2.

Sometimes, the best answer is a more interesting question.


FlashForward just goes to show the fine line between success and failure of a TV show in it's first series. It started off with a bang, but was followed with a number of weaker episodes. By the time the show really started to get in it's stride, it had already lost a lot of its auidence, which was a shame as it really picked up towards the last half of the season when the acting and scripts began to gel together.

The problem is that if you want to succeed, you can't afford to have a quiet period - there are too many other shows out there trying to grab peoples' attention, and you'll never get the audience back.

I think it's a shame it's been cancelled - I would have liked to see this carry on, and there are worse series that have been carried forward for multiple seasons.


> there are worse series that have been carried forward for multiple seasons.

Isn't that the truth!

FlashForward will return.


*contains spoilers about FFwd and Lost*
Unfortunately these are the times we live in...
And... quieter episodes? Why the hell didn't Lost, which turned out to be a huge disappointment, get cancelled? They've had much quieter episodes...

Nearly every epside of FlashForward had a great cliffhanger and each had a great revelation of some kind!

People these days are bored easily, unfortunately. At this rate in the year 2016 we'll only be seeing sex and violence on tv because original stuff like this will be too dull for the average (American?) viewer...

Smart story in a show? Nah, let's stick to making horrible remakes of good scifi classics and let's donate lots of money to making shows like Lost, with no proper screenplay, very very very bad audio, handycam-quality video and a weird story that ultimately proved to be "empty". In Lost, almost nothing came together. In FlashForward almost everything came together.

The acting wasn't that bad in my opinion: I think the way they depicted events in the first season could've been pretty realistic, the way people selffulfilling their prophecies. And people doing stuff just because they saw they would do that stuff in the future... Anyway, damn shame, and the network execs should be ashamed of themselves.

I really hope HBO will be picking this up (didn't they co-produce?). Perhaps Syfy. If there's budget left anywhere...


Lost, with no proper screenplay, very very very bad audio, handycam-quality video and a weird story that ultimately proved to be "empty"

That statement makes your opinion entirely ireelevant. To claim that Lost had "bad audio" and "handycam-quality video" is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Pretty much everyone would agree that Lost was a visual and audio feast for the senses, even those who were disappointed with the ending of the show.


That statement makes your opinion entirely ireelevant [sic].To claim that Lost had "bad audio" and "handycam-quality video" is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Pretty much everyone would agree that Lost was a visual and audio feast for the senses, even those who were disappointed with the ending of the show.

You write "Pretty much everyone would agree," glaezn? Where is the proof? So, you know how much of the world feels on this issue? Have you actually spoken to pretty much everyone in the world or is there some world poll? Glaezn, that remark is only your opinion stated on the subject BUT you write it as if your opinion were a fact??
You write that the poster's opinion is IRRELEVANT? WTF? According to what, YOUR opinion? What makes your opinion superior to his? That's your opinion of his opinion, glaezn which pretty much makes your opinion no more valid than his, unless you produce some proof to corroborate your written words!

Quote from glaezn from another condescending post aimed at SherlockVonEinstein:

I think you had the best intentions when you wrote that post, SherlockVonEinstein, but some of your points are just plain ridiculous, sorry.

i read somewhere (i apologise for not having a source) that the network was planning on either cutting "v" or "flashforward" (as the ratings for "v" were only a hair better), but they decided to keep with "v" because they thought that show had more passionate fans.

Both shows deserved to be cancelled ratings-wise. A perfectly reasonable decision. It had nothing to do with "V" fans being more "passionate".

i personally think that sci-fi fans should be delighted if a sci-fi show survives and upset if it doesn't, regardless if it meets their standards or not, simply because its very rare for one to be on a major network.

That statement - and i'm sorry if I sound harsh here - is just plain retarded and ridiculous.

Good gosh, glaezn, that is just your opinion NOT a fact.
That was SherlockVonEinstein's opinion on the situation which differs from yours. I realize that because Einstein's opinion differs from yours, you find her/his opinion irrelevant but it is not. All opinions are equally relevant and valid.

That statement - and i'm sorry if I sound harsh here - is just plain retarded and ridiculous.

Good gosh, glaezn, do you know what I find to be entirely irrelevant and truly ridiculous (IMO)? That would be your redundant use of the words "ridiculous" when posting your personal opinion to "ridicule" the posts of those posters with whom you disagree!! Glaezn, IMO, you deceptively attempt to post your opinion as fact (IMO) where your words are NOT fact but just your opinion as are theirs!! glaezn, simply stating your opinion that other posters' opinions are irrelevant is NOT a fact, it is just your opinion because you disagree with their POV!!
A little humility would NOT hurt, glaezn.

IMO, if you would please get over yourself and realize that your fellow posters' opinions are just as valid as your opinion that would be relevant (IMO), not SO ridiculous --further that would be the foundation for meaningful/thought provoking debates with true substance that you addressed earlier.


Wow. Not all opinions are equally valid. We live in a world where intelligence varies greatly from person to person. Im going to give someones opionon a lot more weight when their IQ is 140 over someones that is 80. So, yes some opinions are retarded and ridiculous when the person giving them may be retarded and ridiculous.


Sorry to bump this old topic, but Glaezn seems like a complete tool. Had to state what every one was already thinking. In fact, to quote a tool: Pretty much everyone would agree."

Mostly cringed athis reply to Sherlock; he counters Sherlocks opinions with his own opinions, but states them in a matter-of-fact way, while at the same time jabbing at how retarded Sherlocks opinions were.

That's just about the silliest thing ever. Neither of you know for 100% certainty why one show was cancelled over the other. You're just the audience, not the big guys upstairs.
"Passionate fans", who knows, maybe.
Glaezns opinion was, what? Wait, "both shows deserved to be cancelled rating-wise." I don't even get what you're trying to convey. Of course both shows deserved to be cancelled, Sherlock already pointed out that the network was planning to cut out one or the other. If you're going to poop all over someone like Sherlock, at least bring your own opinion into the discussion. "Deserved to be cancelled" brought nothing to the table at all.


I was pissed off when I heard that it had been canceled...without even giving it the chance to do a "finale". We're left hanging storywise. The same happened a few years ago with another show I loved called "Invasion", which was canceled without ending the storyline. I had hoped with that one that they would have at least done a TV movie or something to give it an ending. I'm hoping they do that with "FlashForward". I really don't want to go to my grave wondering WTF was with the kangaroo.


I agree, im so mad they canelled Flashforward........and I like you, watched Invasion, and Surface, all shows that never came back and kept me hanging, it sucks.....thats why im not starting any new shows again!!



I agree, Surface and Invasion were really good as was FlashForward. Between FF and V I would rather have FF. Lost was just brilliant. Yeah the networks are morons and/or maybe it's the majority of the population. There is so many garbage shows on these days and the ones you have to think about get canned.


With any luck, maybe they'll do like they did for Firefly and make a movie to follow up the short-lived TV series



Hmm, firefly is rated the 8th best TV show of all time and Serenity scored 8/10 and 74/100 at metacritic. The truth is that a lot of people can't get along with Sci-fi, probably because the requisite to enjoy them is a functioning brain, it's a wonder the X-files and Fringe managed to do so well.


So, yeah...WTF WAS with the kangaroo? *sigh*


I suppose it was just like with the crows. For all we know, all animals (with the exception of crows) are immune to the effects of the global blackout, including the kangaroo which probably just escaped from its cage during the blackout. Although why it appears again in both "Scary Monsters and Super Creeps" and "Future Shock" is anyone's guess...

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We were really heartbroken in my house when we heard it had been canceled. We very much so enjoyed this show and the cast. It was very compelling and entertaining and it was taken too soon by ABC. I hope they'll try to turn these books into a series again one day down the line. I very much so enjoyed the concept.

Apples and pears down the stairs, just the same.


Although I agree about some the acting in the show, I cannot believe that the writing would be one of the reasons why the ratings declined, as I felt it was executed with brilliance! It had a much more interesting storyline and plot that Lost or Prison Break could ever have.


This is The Best Sci-Fi show ever made!!!!


Definitely worth the watch. A great show indeed!
Too bad it got cancelled. I guess great shows get always cancelled :(
I just miss this show so much!

