MovieChat Forums > Cougar Town (2009) Discussion > Did Courtney Cox's frozen face kill the ...

Did Courtney Cox's frozen face kill the series?

I'm not a big fan, because I could never get past all her botox! It ruined everything for me. I could overlook her puffed up lips (hate them), hard as it is, but I could not get past her frozen forehead. She used to have movement there and good expression, in Friends. Also, was her frozen botox look supposed to be a gag in the show or something? I just wonder if anyone thinks that that's why the show failed?

This whole insane thinking that women look better with a plastic, frozen face compared to an expressive, soft one with a few little wrinkles is just so surreal and crazy. HOpe we as a society get over this one quick.

Brawndo!! It's got electrolytes!!


no opinions on this?

Love me some Waltons


I think her disgusting facial situation, lack of humor and bad writing is what killed it.


6 seasons is a fail? What.


I agree it was bad! There was a scene where she was at a wedding giving a speech and she was scary to look at. It seems like it got worse about season 4. Before that it wasnt so bad but then it got distracting. I hate saying that because i love the show and like courtney cox, but its sad to see someone do that to their own face.


Yea, I used to think Courtney was gorgeous and definitely the prettiest on friends, I'll never understand why she did that to her face. You can really see the progression of work during the series, so sad.


It didn't ruin the series for me, but it did ruin my appreciation of Ms. Cox, who I used to consider one of the most beautiful women on television. A local network where I live sometimes shows two episodes in one day, one at about midnight and another at about three in the morning. The earlier episodes seem to run in one succession while the three-in-the-morning episodes run in a different succession. One night I caught one of the earlier episodes at about midnight, then fell asleep in front of the tv with the tv on, and woke up to one of the later episodes at three in the morning. The contrast was pretty horrifying.


LMAO, I believe it!


Hahaha! Like waking up from a nightmare!


Hahaha! Like waking up from a nightmare!

She ruined her face. It was so distracted that I would catch myself asking, "Who does she look like now?" It killed me until I finally had the 💡 moment. She looks like Janice Dickinson now. And that is NO compliment.

#Twinning lol

The scenes when Grayson (Josh Hopkins) would kiss her I'd feel sorry for the guy. Her lips just looked hard with all those fillers. I hate to be mean, but she was gorgeous before. Why would she do that to herself? So sad.


& too skinny w long, flat dirty looking hair!

Beautiful woman but...
