MovieChat Forums > The American (2010) Discussion > I think the female assasin wanted some a...

I think the female assasin wanted some action at the creek.

I thought she would have been totally up for it, I was sensing she was in the mood when they were at the creek and he had the picnic basket and blanket,he even pulled out wine and it seemed like she would like some but good old focused assasin that he is was intent on spilling in the grass instead of pouring a little for both of them and enjoying the moment.

at that point, one would think that this woman would have been a perfgect match for him then a regular civilian. she was in the same field.


It seemed to me that she was interested. She was definitely being flirtatious, though whether with intent to merely probe his reactions and character or to actually have a quick run, I am not sure. I suspect, though, that there was not much more intent than a one time or occasional thing as opposed to their becoming a Mr. & Mrs. Smith.


The line she says "Have you ever taken a woman here?" is pretty blatant.


she was just being social.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


imdb comments really are a bunch of teenaged boys. this topic proves it.


watching it again (Netflix Instant!) i think there's something else going on. I think she's (1) checking to see if others in town know he frequents this place, and (2) she's trying to get his guard down so she can kill him. But he's all business, spilling the wine, etc.

Think about it: she commissioned the gun, possibly for this job, maybe for a future job. Pavel calls her and tells her "Listen Carefully" AFTER Clooney calls up and quits the game. THAT is when Pavel decides to kill him, i think - though he may have told Mathilde to kill him when she has a chance.

But think about the picnic - she has the gun, and some rounds, in her possession. She's earned his trust (somewhat) by not shooting him as he walked away to do the auditory test (and by letting him shoot at her, she shows that she trusts him). It's all a con! She's lulling him into a sense of security, and, if he's willing to strip down and do the horizontal mambo, she can take a quiet moment to put a pill in his ear. The additional tasks she gives him - the case, make more rounds, modify the suppressor, etc - she could easily do elsewhere (either herself, or thru another source).

She knows she's gotta kill him at some point, i think. It's possible Pavel tells her to kill him from the jump, or after the phone call. But the scene can definitely be read both ways: either she's super-impressed with him, and wants some action, or she's lulling him into a sense of security, for a hit (then or later).


Possible, but I think like you said she wasn't instructed to kill him until after given the greenlight by Pavel. It wouldn't make sense for her to kill him at that moment if Pavel still deemed he had further use for him.

It's possible she was sexually baiting him, both verbally asking him if he'd ever taken a women there, as well as sexually because Pavel had given her a fishing expedition. She'd been informed that he was losing his edge because of his inability to stay platonic while on assignment, so was instructed to test the waters.


I think that she was definitely into him, she was flirting with him but she had to cut off her feelings at the end when Pavel wanted her to kill him when he wanted out much like how he cut off his emotions after he killed Ingrid in the beginning AFTER they fooled around in the cabin.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.
