Any info on this?

Does anyone even have an idea of what this movie is about? I love Liam Neeson and Jennifer Connelly and though that Dustin Lance Black's Oscar win was well earned. I'd love some info on this.


Unfortunately, Liam Neeson is no longer going to be in this movie, but he was replaced by Ed Harris, who is also a terrific actor! I was called back to audition for this movie where I would be playing a small part opposite Jennifer Connelly (If I get the part).

The movie is about a sheriff (Ed Harris) who is running for a seat in the state Sennate who sees his chances slip away when his daughter begins dating the son of a woman (Jennifer Connelly) who he's been having an affair with for 20 years.

"In Heaven, everything is fine" - Lady in the Radiator



I auditioned for the part of Nervous Mormon - don't tell me you did too haha

"In Heaven, everything is fine" - Lady in the Radiator



I shot an e-mail to the casting service, and they said they are still in the casting process, but that could mean anything.

"In Heaven, everything is fine" - Lady in the Radiator




There's a new article in Variety about What's Wrong With Vriginia. 1

"In Heaven, everything is fine" - Lady in the Radiator


O.K., just from the description, I can't be the only one getting a "Lone Star" vibe from this if you know what I mean.
