
I saw this at the premier on wed. I loved it, and I dont understand why it was so hated by critics. Also, its been a while since jennifer has had a role this amazing, and she plays it perfectly. I hope she pulls out a nom for this. Her scenes with Yeardley Smith were hilarious!


Saw it on Wednesday too, and completely agree with you. The audience seemed to have enjoyed it a lot, it's just the moronic critics who attended the first screening on Sunday who want to hate it because Lance won an Oscar for his last project, so it's fun for them to bash his follow-up (especially since he's also directing this time).

"I did cramps the way Meryl Streep did accents" - Calliope (Middlesex)


I can't wait to see it... I worked on it and was an Extra in it. I was in the scene when Ed is carrying Jennifer out of the house.
